You’re Welcome in Serbian: 3 Best Phrases You Should Learn
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Whenever you visit a new country, it becomes a thrilling necessity to know or have some idea about their native language. Such is the case with the Serbian language too. Learning phrases like “you’re welcome” in Serbian is a must if you are traveling to the country soon. Thank you, welcome, hello, how are you, are just some basic phrases and polite words that will help you get along with the locals and leave a very sophisticated impression. So if you want to learn more, keep reading below!
Importance Of Basic Phrases In The Serbian Language
If you want to be polite and receive a warm response from the natives or locals of Serbia, learning Serbian phrases used in day-to-day life is something you cannot oversee. Polite words matter in any stance of your life and no matter where you go. Trim and general words such as good morning, good night, Hello, thank you, you’re welcome, etc., can make all the difference to your existence and allow the native speakers to build a social connection with you.
Apart from the evident necessity to regularly communicate or engage in informal conversations with the Serbs as a foreigner, there is beauty in the language itself that makes learning Serbian pretty fascinating. The Serbian language is a part of the Slavic language family, belonging to the Indo-European set. It is a language that uses both Cyrillic and Latin alphabets simultaneously, namely Azbuka and Abeceda.
The language is a bit tricky, but the complexity makes it more profound and intense in the sense of its understanding. It is a comprehensive language with a unique grammatical alphabet melding nature, and learning even a single word can prove you so. If you want to learn more about the alphabet, you can check out “Easy Guide For the Serbian Alphabet.” Hence, undergoing some easy lessons of common words and phrases will help you gain the trust and responses of the locals and enlighten you with the mesmerizing nature of Serb literature.
Say You’re Welcome In Serbian

Serbian phrases can be quite baffling at first, but “you’re welcome” is a straightforward phrase you will constantly need once you visit Serbia. It is something you say whenever someone thanks you or you want to welcome someone to your place. Note that there can be many phrases with the same meaning and equally important value for one particular saying. Refer to the detail below to clear all your questions and confusion.
Нема на чему
English Translation: You’re Welcome
Nema na čemu (Нема на чему) is the primary way of saying “you’re welcome” in Serbian. You can use nema na cemu whenever someone thanks you or appreciates your favor, from the grocery stores to local mates.
Без бриге
English Translation: No worries
Bez brige (Без бриге) is one of the introductory phrases in Serbian phrases that also means similar to “You’re welcome.” It has identical value and functionality. It means there’s no problem when someone thanks you for something you did for them. In simple words, it is just a different version of the previously mentioned phrase, “you’re welcome.”
Моје задовољство
English Translation: My Pleasure
Moje zadovoljstvo (Моје задовољство) means “my pleasure” in English. This phrase fits perfectly in every situation whenever you want to be nice to a person as a reply to appreciation. It is an elegant way of confirming “you’re welcome.” However, you can use the previous one if that’s more comfortable for you.
Thank You In Serbian
Hold on! Before you learn to say “you’re welcome,” how can you miss out on the importance of the word “Thank you.” So, let us look at some ways to say “Thank you” first.
Хвала вам
English Translation: Thank you.
Hvala vam (Хвала вам) is the basic Serbian way of saying Thank you. It shows appreciation and love for the other person whenever you say this. Use it if you want to thank someone for their work or favor.
Тако сам захвалан
English Translation: I’m so grateful
Tako sam zahvalan (Тако сам захвалан), which means “I’m so grateful” in English, is another way of thanking someone for their deeds. Say Tako sam zahvalan to Serbian people when they are nice to you or help you out, and they will reciprocate with extra gratitude and loving behavior.
Не бих то могао без тебе
English Translation: I couldn’t have done it without you
Brighten someone’s day with Ne bih to mogao bez tebe (Не бих то могао без тебе), which means “I couldn’t have done it without you” in English. Saying this will highlight your good manners and expose how welcoming and friendly you are.
Customary Serbian Phrases

Apart from Thank you and Welcome, there are other customary words that you should know about. These phrases are used in daily life by Serbian people and come under the basic knowledge of every different language learner. So, keep reading and get acquainted with more Serbian common phrases.

Speak Serbian With Ling
Serbian nema na čemu or You’re welcome seems quite interesting. If you wish to learn more of a new language with such engaging and easy lessons, go ahead with Ling App by Simya Solutions. With ling, you will not just know how to say Serbian nema na čemu or kako se zovete, but encounter many more amusing and fun phrases and facts.
Don’t forget to click on “I Love You In Serbian: 6 Best Romantic Phrases” and “Serbian Grammar: 3+ Easy Rules To Learn” to make your Serbian skills sharper. Ling provides numerous lessons on different languages and topics with language experts from all over the world. So, don’t waste any more time and start learning Serbian right away!