The 2 Best Ways To Say I Miss You in Tagalog

Ling Learn Languages
4 min readNov 6, 2020


Traveler or not, we bet that you have heard and probably memorized the common expressions such as mahal kita , paalam, or maraming salamat. In today’s article, allow us to take you by the hand and walk you through the most native ways to say I miss you in the Tagalog language.

One of the notions that travel enthusiasts have in common is the idea that you can learn a lot about the culture of the country based on how the natives express themselves using their language. And what is even more exciting about this is that you can encounter words or even expressions that exist solely in that language. For Japanese, they have the word tsundoku ( 積ん読) to refer to the art of purchasing books without ever reading them. While in Hawaiian, they have pana po’o to describe the act of scratching the head to remember something. And of course, who can ever forget the German word kummerspeck, which translates to emotional eating?

But what about the Philippines? One of the amazing words under this country’s belt is gigil or the irresistible urge to squeeze someone or something. This is widely used even in today’s conversations and is usually connected to contexts involving people who seem cute or things that look lovable. Just from that word alone, you can sense how creative Filipinos are in terms of word coinage. And that is just the start!

You see, the Tagalog language is a melting pot of different language influences. Given its strategic location, some of the words are directly related to Austronesian languages. Additionally, modern-day expressions seem to have a fusion of Spanish and English language. The best example of this is the expression I miss you.

I Miss You in Tagalog Language

The Tagalog language does not have an updated direct translation for the English word “miss.” To make up for this word, Filipinos use Taglish (Tagalog and English) whenever they express sorrow from the absence of the people they are close with. Two of the best ways to say I miss you in Tagalog are the following:

In casual conversations, Filipinos simply add the English word miss. On the other hand, if you intend to sound poetic, you might want to use the traditional version. However, do note that it should only be used in writing since it is very uncommon to say that in spoken interactions.

Variations of I Miss You in Tagalog language

As language enthusiasts, we aspire not only to learn the simple Tagalog words and expressions. Of course, we all want to sound like a native in order to fit in and increase our chances of building lasting relationships with the Filipinos. With that being said, we also prepared here an exclusive list of variations that can also signify how much you miss someone.

Other Romantic Expressions in Tagalog Language

While the expression I miss you is widely used in the Philippines when speaking with your family members, friends, and people you are close with, it may not sound as romantic as you want it to be. If you feel that you need to take your romantic expressions to a higher notch, we suggest that you use these purely Tagalog phrases in the table below.

Learning Basic Phrases in the Tagalog Language

If you enjoyed this post on how to say I miss you in Tagalog language, then you will surely enjoy the Ling App. The Ling App is an exceptional learning buddy for language enthusiasts and travelers who challenge themselves to learn various languages. In order to establish a more meaningful connection with the Filipino natives, using a dedicated app for learning Tagalog proves to be one of the best methods in learning sentence structure, basic phrases, and vocabulary words. Besides being an entertaining platform, did I also mention that the app can drastically support your reading, writing, and listening skills? Isn’t that interesting?

With your newfound set of vocabulary, you are one step closer to achieving full Tagalog fluency! Remember that the key to learning a language is time, continuous practice, and consistency. With that being said, if you want to further master the language and make meaningful connections with the Filipino people, be sure to check out the Ling App.



Ling Learn Languages
Ling Learn Languages

Written by Ling Learn Languages

Ling is a game-like language learning app with a pack of 60+ languages. You will learn languages in fun ways!

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