Slovenian Art: Learn About The 6 Fine Artists

Ling Learn Languages
6 min readMar 14, 2023


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Are you an art enthusiast who would love insights into Slovenian art? Do you also love roaming museums and buildings virtually to glimpse the beautiful history? If that’s the case, you’ll be pleased to know that we have brought exactly what you were looking for. In this blog post, you will learn about the most exciting pieces of Slovene Art, which will fill you with happiness. So without further ado, let’s get started!

Slovenian Art

Every country takes pride in its art, and so does Slovenia by displaying it in its nation-building. For instance, the national assembly in Slovenia has represented the impressionism of the artists of ancient and modern art. Today, prestigious institutions like the National Gallery of Slovenia and the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana are exhibiting pieces of art created by Slovenian artists.

Art Collections

Slovene art collections can be found in many places, and the most highlighted one is the national assembly, as we have already mentioned. Two hundred paintings, 95 graphics, and 12 sculptures, primarily by Slovenian artists from the present and past, enhance the beauty and antiquity of this collection.

Boris Kalin, France Kralj, Frančišek Smerdu, Ivan Zajec, Tine Kos, and others are famous for their sculptures, and most of their pieces are now in museums. As for the graphics, I look forward to seeing the magnificent pieces by Andrej Jemec, Bogdan Borčič, Božidar Jakac, Dora Klemenčič, Floris Oblak, France Mihelič, Klavdij Palčič, Marij Pregelj, Metka Krašovec, Miha Maleš, Riko Debenjak, and Veno Pilon. Want to learn more? Keep reading below!

Slovenian Artists

Every Slovenian university library usually features at least one piece of art made by a Slovenian artist. This is not merely confined to each university library. Instead, it can be found in hundreds of other places in Slovenia, especially the sites of national heritage.

Contemporary art and artists need marketing of their frescoes and sculptors in each city/region to become renowned masters of their craft. Still, the artists in history need no such efforts. You can find some of the most famous artists in Slovenian history here.

Andrej Jemec

Andrej Jemec was born in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on November 29, 1934. Jemec studied painting and graphic design at the Academy of Fine Arts. In 1995, he was chosen as a Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts member.


Since his first Jubilee Academy show in Ljubljana in 1956, he has exhibited his work as a participant in group exhibitions and, more recently, solo exhibitions. His important solo exhibitions include those held at the Galerija ULUS in Belgrade in 1962 and the Galleria d’arte Forum in Triest in 1973. His works are kept and shown in numerous galleries, sites, and collections both domestically and abroad.

Bogdan Borčič

Borcic was born in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1926. He discovered Mark Rothko’s art at the 29th Venice Biennial in 1958. He lists Goya and Rothko as his two most significant influences.


In 1964, Borcic studied printmaking with Johnny Friedlaender at the Academy in Ljubljana. From 1980 till his retirement in 1984, he was an instructor at the college in his hometown, Slovenj Gradec. Never one to rest, he continued to work as an artist, producing a series of pieces for the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, inspired by his time there.

Ivan Grohar

One of the most renowned artists is Ivan. G. He was one of the key figures in Slovenia’s Impressionist movement. Born in 1867, he lived a stereotypically poor and turbulent existence.


His most famous works may now be housed in the National Gallery in Ljubljana. A tiny museum and gallery honoring the artist are located on the first level of his former home. Also known as the Sower (Sejalec), you can find his picture on the initial version of 0.05 Slovenian euro coins. You should check out our blog post about Slovenian currency to learn about more Slovenian artists who have their pictures on the Slovenian currency notes and coins.

Riko Debenjak

Riko Debenjak, a 1908-born artist, drew much inspiration from the 1920s in his works. The significant breakthroughs from the first decades of the twentieth century continued to evolve and develop throughout the 1920s and 1930s.


Having these years serve as an artist’s formative years meant being surrounded by motivating visual artists. Additionally, it was a period of reflection and healing after the tragedies of the First World War, which resulted in significant political changes that continued even after world war ii.

He also played a significant role in the Bauhaus, which was established in 1919 as a center for the Gesamtkunstwerk, a concept that combined the fields of art, craft, and design. The free atmosphere of Germany’s Weimar Republic helped surrealism become the dominant expressive medium of the 1920s.

Veno Pilon

One of Slovenia’s most significant expressionist painters, Veno Pilon was also a talented photographer, graphic designer, and illustrator. His initial creative peak was attained in Ajdovina, born in 1896.


He was taken prisoner in Galicia (now Ukraine) and produced his fantastic body of delicate, expressive watercolors. The landscape of the Upper Vipava Valley, a magnificent painting by him, it’s now sadly deteriorating early-industrial heritage.

His portraits include well-known figures from the local bourgeois and middle classes and regular people from the countryside. After the war, Pilon served as an unofficial cultural attaché, hosting Slovenian families, thinkers, and artists in his Montparnasse residence.

National Gallery Of Slovenia

Looking for a great place to have some aesthetic photography? Check out the national gallery of Slovenia.

The National Museum of Slovenia is the finest tourist attraction in Slovenia, which was built in 1888 as the Rudolfinum Provincial Museum for Carniola. It will celebrate its 201st birthday in 2022 and is situated in the center of Ljubljana on Muzejska Street.

Things To Look Foward

If you visit Slovenia’s national gallery these days, you will find substantial archives of precious things, such as aesthetic, archeological, and historical resources. You can also find a 60,000-year-old Neanderthal flute from the Divje Babe Cave on display there. It is an old piece of music in recorded existence, along with a magnificent Vae situla, yet another masterpiece.

Fascinating Archaeological Finds

The story of life before our time is told by a variety of fascinating archaeological finds, including

  • 1870, Head of an Old Man with White Hair by Ferdo Vesel
  • 1888, Woman Drinking Coffee by Ivana Kobilca
  • 1900, Willows by Matija Jama
  • 1908, Lamplight by Rihard Jakopič
  • 1998, self-portrait by Zoran Mušič
  • A bronze statue of an Emona citizen covered in gold
  • An imperial stone inscription from Emona
  • Early Middle Ages wooden traps
  • Germanic ornamentation from the Migration Period
  • The Fountain of Three Carniolan Rivers by Francesco Robba
  • The only ancient Egyptian mummy in Slovenia

Not just that, you can also find a unit for conservation and preservation, the two essential pillars of museum work, and a sizable museum library.

Artifacts From Middle Ages

You can find impressive artifacts from Middle Ages like the following:

  • Franc Kavi’s neoclassical artwork
  • Ivan Gro’s renowned Slovenian Impressionist pieces
  • Ivana Kobilca’s prominent paintings.
  • Joef Tominc’s pictures of Biedermeiers
  • Realist artists’ creations by Jurij and Janez Ubic
  • Works by the Baroque painters Giulio Quaglio and Gregorio Lazzarini

Besides what we have just briefed you about, there is much more to explore, so book your tickets to Lubljana now and explore this beautiful museum.

Wrapping Up

That’s it for this blog post. If you wish to continue learning with us, we are delighted to introduce you to the Ling App, which is the best app for learning any language. You can access complete courses created with the help of native speakers.

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