Serbian Vocabulary About Transportation
Serbian vocabulary about transportation is a very important thing to know if you want to travel to Serbia.
Transport In Serbia
The Republic of Serbia is often referred to as the “link between East and West.”
Serbia also belongs to many larger European areas (Balkans, Danube, Pannonian Plain, Dinaric area). Such a favorable traffic position was also the main factor in its difficult past.
The Republic of Serbia has developed road, railway, air, and water transport. Road traffic is the backbone of traffic in the Republic of Serbia. It incorporates a comprehensive network of major (i.e. state) and minor (i.e. municipal) roads. The most important hub is the capital Belgrade, followed by Novi Sad and Nis. The road network in the republic consists of public and uncategorized roads.
Rail transport is fairly developed, although dual track and electrification are not very common.
Serbia is a continental country and therefore has no seaports. Of the ports in the surrounding countries, the ports of Bar in Montenegro and Thessaloniki in Greece are of the greatest importance for its economy. On the other hand, river traffic is developed and of international importance. All waterways in the country are located in its northern part of the country and primarily connect the country to the region of Central Europe.
Air transport is fairly developed. Serbia has two main international airports. The largest and most important airport in the country is Belgrade’s “Nikola Tesla” airport in Surcin, 15 km from the city center. Due to its extraordinary position, this airport was once significant outside the borders of the former Yugoslavia, and it is expected that this level will be reached again in the near future (as a regional traffic hub).
Traffic In Serbian Cities
Developed traffic characterizes large cities in the republic (Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac, Subotica), where a significant share of intra-city traffic is public city transport.
Public (intra) city transport is owned by most Serbian cities that are the headquarters of the district. Except in the case of Belgrade, it is based exclusively on bus transportation. In Belgrade, public transport is done by bus, trolleybus, tram, suburban railway, and there are plans to build a subway. Nis, Subotica, and Novi Sad used to have tram transport.
Serbian Vocabulary About Transportation
Let’s talk about Serbian vocabulary about means of transport.
Road Vehicles
Vehicles In Water Transportation
Vehicles In Air And Railway Transportation
Other Vehicles
Other Transport And Travel Words
Да ли имаш бицикл? / Da li imaš bicikl? (Do you have a bicycle?)
Он је купио нови трактор. / On je kupio novi traktor. (He bought a new tractor.)
Дошла сам аутобусом. / Došla sam autobusom. (I came by bus.)
Ићи ћу колима. / Ići ću kolima. (I will go by car).
Не знам колико кошта овај мотор. / Ne znam koliko košta ovaj motor. (I don’t know how much this motorcycle is.)
Желим да купим скутер. Želim da kupim skuter. (I want to buy a scooter.)
У журби сам, узећу такси. / U žurbi sam, uzeću taksi. (I am in a hurry, I will take a cab.)
Волим да путујем возом. / Volim da putujem vozom. (I like to travel by train.)
Шта је у камиону? / Šta je u kamionu? (What is in the truck?)
Ова јахта је веома скупа. / Ova jahta je veoma skupa. (This yacht is very expensive.)
Никада нисам летео / летела авионом. / Nikada nisam leteo / letela avionom. (I’ve never flown by airplane.)
Хеликоптер лети веома ниско. / Helikopter leti veoma nisko. (The helicopter is flying very low.)
Хитна помоћ је стигла неколико минута након позива. / Hitna pomoć je stigla nekoliko minuta nakon poziva. (The ambulance arrived within minutes of the call being made.)
Био им је потребан булдожер да помере камен. / Bio im je potreban buldožer da pomere kamen. (They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.)
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