Malay Business Vocabulary: 10+ Important Words
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How familiar are you with Malay business vocabulary?
Business is the language of the world. It’s a fundamental tool for getting what you want. You may use business terms or slang words to discuss critical trade issues with your colleagues, friends, or family. As you probably can notice, there are a lot of words that get thrown around in a lot of business conversations. While it is unnecessary to know all of these, knowing some of them can help you be more polished in front of people you are speaking with. Ready to unlock the basic words? Keep reading below!
The Most Common Malay Business Vocabulary
Most people are already familiar with specific terminology in their field of interest, but general business vocabulary can be challenging. Here are 50 common words and phrases to check out that will help you get by more easily:
Collaborate: Bekerjasama
- A British company collaborated with an American company to develop the software.
- Sebuah syarikat British bekerjasama dengan syarikat Amerika untuk membangunkan perisian tersebut.
- One of the benefits of coworking is that people can rely on each other.
- Salah satu faedah kerja bersama ialah orang boleh bergantung antara satu sama lain.
Start-up — Bekerja bersama
- Many start-ups fail within a year.
- Banyak pemula gagal dalam masa setahun.
Entrepreneur — Usahawan
- These entrepreneurs made their fortune in information technology.
- Usahawan ini memperoleh kekayaan dalam teknologi maklumat.
Multinational — Multinasional
- Walmart is one of the biggest multinational companies in the US.
- Walmart ialah salah satu syarikat multinasional terbesar di AS.
Disruption — Gangguan
- Disruptive brands create new markets.
- Jenama yang mengganggu mewujudkan pasaran baharu.
Gig Economy — Ekonomi Gig
- In a gig economy, freelancers are paid for the “gigs” that they have to complete.
- Dalam ekonomi gig, pekerja bebas dibayar untuk “pertunjukan” yang perlu mereka selesaikan.
Budget — Bajet
- The marketing budget is reduced this year.
- Belanjawan pemasaran dikurangkan tahun ini.
Diversify — Mempelbagaikan
- The company has diversified its product range.
- Syarikat telah mempelbagaikan rangkaian produknya.
Expand — Mengembang
- They’re planning to expand their sales division next year.
- Mereka merancang untuk mengembangkan bahagian jualan mereka tahun depan.
Freelancer — Pekerja Bebas
- She decided to become a freelancer after working there for a year.
- Dia memutuskan untuk menjadi pekerja bebas selepas bekerja di sana selama setahun.
Consultant — Perunding
- She works as an IT consultant for an online company.
- Dia bekerja sebagai perunding IT untuk syarikat dalam talian.
Skillset — Set Kemahiran
- She has the right skill set, so we offered her a job.
- Dia mempunyai kemahiran yang betul, jadi kami menawarkan dia pekerjaan.
Launch — Melancarkan
- We are launching a new series tomorrow.
- Kami melancarkan siri baharu esok.
Revenue — Hasil
- The revenue went through the roof this year.
- Perolehan telah meningkat pada tahun ini.
Investment — Pelaburan
- The investment in their staff is crucial.
- Pelaburan dalam kakitangan mereka adalah penting.
Leadership — Kepimpinan
- His leadership style is described as firm and decisive.
- Gaya kepimpinannya digambarkan tegas dan tegas.
Deadline — Tarikh Akhir
- She has to meet all the deadlines in the next two weeks.
- Dia perlu memenuhi semua tarikh akhir dalam dua minggu akan datang.
Core Business — Perniagaan Teras
- The company focused on its core business.
- Syarikat itu memberi tumpuan kepada perniagaan terasnya.
Added Value — Nilai Tambah
- She was offered the added value because of her experience.
- Dia ditawarkan nilai tambah kerana pengalamannya.
Emerging Markets — Pasaran Baru Muncul
- Emerging markets such as Turkey and Taiwan are popular with traders.
- Pasaran baru muncul seperti Turki dan Taiwan popular di kalangan pedagang.
Agenda — Agenda
- There are many items on the agenda for today’s meeting.
- Terdapat banyak perkara pada agenda untuk mesyuarat hari ini.
Sustainability — Kelestarian
- High-sustainability organizations understand the importance of the environmental and social performance of the company.
- Organisasi kemampanan tinggi memahami kepentingan prestasi alam sekitar dan sosial syarikat.
Outsourcing — Outsourcing
- Companies can choose to outsource their staff to reduce costs.
- Syarikat boleh memilih untuk menyumber luar kakitangan mereka untuk mengurangkan kos.
To Merge — Untuk Bergabung
- The two companies decided to merge to increase their revenue.
- Kedua-dua syarikat memutuskan untuk bergabung untuk meningkatkan pendapatan mereka.
Takeover — Ambil Alih
- Employees are very concerned about the takeover.
- Pekerja sangat prihatin terhadap pengambilalihan.
Crowdfunding — Kempen Crowdfunding
- She raised money for the festival through crowdfunding.
- Dia mengumpul wang untuk festival melalui crowdfunding.
Board Of Directors — Lembaga Pengarah
- He is currently on the board of directors.
- Beliau kini berada dalam lembaga pengarah.
Brand Awareness — Kesedaran Jenama
- Increasing brand awareness is crucial for the survival of the company.
- Meningkatkan kesedaran jenama adalah penting untuk kelangsungan syarikat.
Staff — Kakitangan
- All members of the staff are attending the meeting.
- Semua kakitangan sedang menghadiri mesyuarat tersebut.
Impact — Kesan
- He is making a huge impact on his colleague.
- Dia memberi impak yang besar kepada rakan sekerjanya.
Capital — Modal
- The company needs to raise more capital next year.
- Syarikat itu perlu mengumpul lebih banyak modal tahun depan.
Close A Deal — Tutup Perjanjian
- They finally closed a deal after months of negotiations.
- Mereka akhirnya menutup perjanjian selepas berbulan-bulan rundingan.
Competitor — Pesaing
- Their major competitor has much better prices.
- Pesaing utama mereka mempunyai harga yang jauh lebih baik.
Conference Call — Panggilan Persidangan
- Conference calls have become very popular in the 21st century.
- Panggilan persidangan menjadi sangat popular pada abad ke-21.
Retailer — Peruncit
- She is a successful retailer.
- Dia seorang peruncit yang berjaya.
Creditor — Pemiutang
- The creditor requires payment at the end of the month.
- Pemiutang memerlukan pembayaran pada akhir bulan.
Economies Of Scale — Skala Ekonomi
- Large companies that operate globally often benefit from economies of scale.
- Syarikat besar yang beroperasi di peringkat global selalunya mendapat manfaat daripada skala ekonomi.
Network — Rangkaian
- Their sales network is well developed.
- Rangkaian jualan mereka dibangunkan dengan baik.
Project — Projek
- She has an interesting new project.
- Dia mempunyai projek baru yang menarik.
Business Trip — Perjalanan Perniagaan
- Many private companies go public after a while.
- Banyak syarikat swasta dibuka umum selepas beberapa ketika.
Shareholder — Pemegang Saham
- Shareholders own shares in a company.
- Pemegang saham memiliki saham dalam syarikat.
Stakeholder — Pihak Berkepentingan
- Stakeholders of a company are suppliers, employees, customers, shareholders, and locals.
- Pihak berkepentingan syarikat adalah pembekal, pekerja, pelanggan, pemegang saham dan penduduk tempatan.
Business Meetings — Mesyuarat Perniagaan
- The business meeting begins at nine o’clock.
- Mesyuarat perniagaan bermula pada pukul sembilan.
Balance Sheet — Penyata Imbangan
- A balance sheet is a report about a company’s assets at any given time.
- Kunci kira-kira ialah laporan tentang aset syarikat pada bila-bila masa tertentu.
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