Is It Hard Learning New Language? 5 Useful Tips To Know

Ling Learn Languages
6 min readNov 15, 2021


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Is it hard learning new language? If you want to know the real answer, let’s find out as you read this blog.

Language is a method where a large group of people in a particular place use similar expressions, words (written or spoken) in communication. Language may be differ based on the groups’ context. The usage of language may also be different based on a particular situation. In short, language is a method of how a person expresses his or her feelings and thoughts through the use of verbal or non-verbal communication.

Through language, communication may start by sharing opinions, problem-solving to provide feedback, and when and when an individual is speaking to another individual or group.

Learning New Language

We learn a new language way back when we are a child during the first two or three years of development. As a child, we require interaction with our family, relatives, and other language-users in our society. Through this, we learned the general language, and that language exposes new words. Then, as we grew, we adopted the new language and other languages by hearing it.

At that time, we unconsciously became language learners. Our parents and relatives became our first language teachers and language partner. They taught us how to practice speaking and learn new vocabulary words. Through that, we acquired our first language, which is our native language. Therefore, we are also called native speakers of that language.

Language acquisition also came from what we heard in a language-using environment. We became physically capable of sending and receiving sound signals in a language from our environment.

On the other hand, we also learn a Second Language. The second language is not a native language of a speaker. Instead, it is commonly used in a particular locale. In short, a Second language is any language learned in addition to one’s native language.

Sometimes, a person uses the language that is most comfortable for them. For instance, they are a native speaker of a specific language. They may adopt and often use their Second language (like the foreign language). This may happen especially if a person is working abroad and learning in a new language environment.

Common Questions And Answers Related In Learning New Language

We, as native speakers of a particular language, should continue to be language learners. Learning languages and other language skills will greatly help us develop and improve our ability in this competitive world, trying to figure it out? We will discover ‘why’ and ‘how’ as we proceed.

Below are some of the common questions and answers related to learning a new language:

Why should we study or learn a new language?

  • Since we live in a global community, and the world is becoming more and more globalized, the demand for studying and learning languages is also increasing.
  • Learning a new language is inevitable. When talking to new friends, reading a new blog or book, listening to a speech may teach you a new word or vocabulary. You learned a new language without realizing it.
  • There are times that we feel overwhelmed when we hear and listen to a new word. So as a listener and a reader, we search that word in different online resources for us to understand that word. Utilizing this, practicing vocabulary is a must as a language learner.
  • Learning words, doing vocabulary review, and having language programs is very important. Since ‘Language is dynamic and ever changing,’ we should also continue to review words and learn vocabulary at the same time.

What are the best ways to learn a new language?

  • When a new language is spoken at home, this can improve memorization. Using it as a daily routine can make language learning fun.
  • The amount of opportunity for language practice is also one way of learning a new language. You can browse or download free online language learning software or listen to native speakers of the language that you want to learn. This will help you to adapt your target language.
  • Learning a language is not a wasted time if you have an internal motivation to learn. Making mistakes in learning is not a big problem but a solution to focus on studying.
  • Having bite-sized lessons from language experts is another great idea in learning. Most especially, if you have language learning goals and need to know new words because you have a new friend or it is needed for your work.

What are the factors that can affect learning a new language?

  • Beginning language learners can affect learning a new language. In short, the age of the language learner. The children are best to acquire a new language if they have solid literacy skills in their language. Same with older and motivated learners.
  • The personality of the learner is also a factor. For instance, anxious learners or Introverts make slower progress in learning the target language, particularly in speaking. They are less to speak and seek language teaching. In contrast, Extroverts are more likely to practice new words or languages.
  • Experience is another factor. If the language learner has acquired general knowledge and experience, language learning is not a problem. It is a stronger position to develop a new language than those who have not.
  • If the native language of the language learners is similar to the target language that they wanted to learn, it is an excellent factor and an advantage in language learning.
  • Culture and status have significant factors. For instance, the learning progress is slower because they have a lower status and culture than the others.

Is It Really Hard To Learn A New Language?

From what you have read and understood from the discussion above, is it hard to learn a new language? The answer is, ‘No’.

In other words, learning a new word is unnoticed. Just like what I said a while ago, you learn a language easily and unconsciously. You can learn it from someone who speaks a new word, has seen a new product from the grocery store, listens to newly released music or recent news, and/ or reads posts on social media.

At the end of the day, we are forever language learner who learns language in an exhausting and exciting way.

Wrapping Up

Do you want to learn a language in a more exciting and fun way? Then, download the best language learning application, which is Ling App by Simya Solutions. This is a user-friendly language learning application that will teach and guide you in learning a new language anytime, anywhere. This hassle-free application can also help you practice new words and vocabulary from different countries.

Can’t wait to try it? Download Ling App now!



Ling Learn Languages

Ling is a game-like language learning app with a pack of 60+ languages. You will learn languages in fun ways!