I Love You In Serbian: 6 Best Romantic Phrases
Original Post: https://ling-app.com/sr/i-love-you-in-serbian/
Волим те (pronounced as volim te) is the most basic translation for I love you in Serbian language. However, there are several other unique ways by which you can express this special type of love and this is what this post is all about. If you are tired of using that basic line and would love to impress someone, then make sure that you check out the unique lines we have here today.
Love is something which is probably one of the most important things in the world. It is not just a thing it’s a true feeling, which I love to say it’s like fuel to all living creatures on the Earth. But sometimes it is also very important to know how to express your feelings, especially when you want to say you love someone. In the case of the Serbian language, ‘Volim te’ is the way you should say to someone ‘I love you’.
However, Serbs are very creative when it comes to saying ‘I love you’ which is why we will give you 6 additional ways by which you can surprise your special person or Serbian friends. If that floats your boat, read on below to find out more.
Is The Serbian Language Even Romantic?
Serbian is not a romantic language but it is actually part of the Slavic language family. Love phrases don’t sound as melodious as with other languages at all, but… you have to know that Serbs are quite passionate. While the tone when speaking may be a bit heavier on the ear, the Serbian speakers have special ways by which they express romantic feelings. And this is what we are going to find out in the section below.
6 Easy Ways To Say I Love You In Serbian
This is a necessary thing you always need to know, and just a common ‘volim te’ is enough to know. But if you want to be a little bit more advanced and learn more Serbian words, then learning these expressions will surely do you more good than you’ll ever know! Let’s check those other Serbian phrases right away!
There are also some other love phrases to say how much you love your partner. For example, you can say ‘Naša srca pripadaju jedno drugom’ — which means ‘Our hearts belong to each other’.
If you want to as someone if he/she loves you then you should say ‘Da li me voliš?’ which means ‘Do you love me?’.
I’ll give you one bonus phrase which is my personal favorite. Volim te beskrajno means ‘I love you endlesly’ and this is the one I love to tell my wife most of the time. Then I start arguing with my wife because she always tells me ‘Ja tebe volim više!’ which means that she loves me more, but that is not true trust me…
Other Serbian Romantic Phrases You Need To Know
The concept of “love at first sight” is also something I have to mention because I think it considers probably one of the most beautiful phrases you’ll hear in Serbian, or maybe in some other languages too.
You can simply say it ‘Ljubav na prvi pogled’ but I you fall in love at the first sight you would prefer to say ‘Zaljubio sam se na prvi pogled’. Okay, it doesn’t sound that romantic right? But sometimes you might hear ‘Osetio sam leptiriće u stomaku.’ So what does that even mean? You know that feeling when you looked at someone and felt that strong feeling in your belly? Well, that’s what it means. But the literal translation would be ‘I felt butterflies in my belly… How wonderful right?
There are also some, I’d like to say ‘universal callsigns’ everyone is using. I mean those kinda words people mostly use in a relationship with their partner. So if his or her native language is Serbian, then you’ll hear these quite a lot. Check them out.
- ‘Dragi/Draga’- for Darling
- ‘Ljubavi’- My Love
- ‘Med’- Honey
- ‘Šećeru’- Sugar
- ‘Bebo’- Baby or Babe
How To Say “I Love You Too” In Serbian
We haven’t mentioned it so far and I must know. If you want to know I love you too in the Serbian language then just say ‘Volim i ja tebe’ or ‘I ja tebe volim.’
How To Say “I’m In Love” In Serbian
While the expressions below may take you some time to master due to their wordiness, we bet that these can seriously help you earn some brownie points!
- ‘ja sam zaljubljen/zaljubljen sam(zalyublyen sam)’ — for male gender
- ‘ja sam zaljubljena/zaljubljena sam(zalyublyena sam)’ — for female gender
This just simply means I fell in love or I’m in love. If you prefer saying I’m in love with you then it goes like this
- ‘zaljubio sam se u tebe’ — for male gender
- ‘zaljubila sam se u tebe’ — for female gender
How To Say I Like You In Serbian
‘Sviđaš mi se’ is the magic word for this one. If you want to ask someone does he like you, just simply say ‘Da li ti se sviđam?’. There is also the other to say when you like someone and for female gender is ‘Onaj koga sam tražila’(Onay koga sam trazhila) or ‘Ona koju sam tražio’(Ona koyu sam trazhio), if you are a male.
Learning Serbian Love Phrases With Ling
So we’ve got to the end of this article. This one is a hard one for me too I must admit it. Hope you’ve caught a couple of interesting things and try to remember your favorite phrase you’ve heard today. If you want to find out more about the Serbian language, learn more phrases, grammar, vocabulary and you want to talk like you were born in Serbia, then you should check our Ling App.
Also, don’t forget to check out our blog and find out more interesting about this or any other languages you wish to become a master of.