I love You In Cantonese And 30 Love Phrases You Must Learn

Ling Learn Languages
7 min readApr 20, 2021


Saying I love you to someone is a way of telling them that you appreciate them. It is also a way to express your feelings to someone that will make them feel loved and cared for. I love you is not just a word that is used during Valentine’s day but it is also often used to maintain a good romantic relationship so why not level it up? Learn how to say I love you in Cantonese and other romantic phrases to tell your loved one.

How To Say I Love You In Cantonese?

When we say the Chinese language, you may probably hear Wǒ ài nǐ (我爱你) more often. This phrase is from Mandarin, a language that is widely spoken in Mainland China. But in this blog, we will focus on another Chinese language which is Cantonese. So if you are planning to go to Hong Kong or if your loved one is from Hong Kong, you may want to learn the following words and phrases that are related to love and dating.

1. Ngo5 Oi3 Nei5 (我愛你.)

This is the common way to say I love you in Cantonese. Ngo5 Oi3 Nei5 (我愛你。) literally means “I love you” in English. This phrase is used when confessing your love to someone.

2. Nei5 Hai2 Ngo5 Sam1 Muk6 Zung1 Hou2 Zung6 Jiu3. (你喺我心目中好重要.)

Some people are not that comfortable expressing what they feel. If you want not to be too direct to say I love you in Cantonese, say nei5 hai2 ngo5 sam1 muk6 zung1 hou2 zung6 jiu3. (你喺我心目中好重要。) This means “You mean so much to me.” in English.

3. Mou5 Baan6 Faat3 Jung6 Jin4 Jyu5 Lei4 Jing4 Jung4 Ngo5 Deoi3 Nei5 Ge3 Oi3. (冇辦法用言語嚟形容我對你嘅愛.)

Sometimes, words are not enough to express your feelings to the one you loved. So, to say that in Cantonese, use the sentence Mou5 baan6 faat3 jung6 jin4 jyu5 lei4 jing4 jung4 ngo5 deoi3 nei5 ge3 oi3. This means “Words can’t describe my love for you.” in English.

4. Jat1 Baak3 Go3 Sam1 Dou1 Zong1 M4 Saai3 Ngo5 Deoi3 Nei5 Ge3 Oi3. (百個心都裝唔晒我對你嘅愛.)

Some people love it to be extra cheesy. They usually use figurative words not to exaggerate but to show how deeply they are in love. Another way to say I love you in Cantonese is Jat1 baak3 go3 sam1 dou1 zong1 m4 saai3 ngo5 deoi3 nei5 de3 oi3. (百個心都裝唔晒我對你嘅愛。). This means “A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.”

5. Ngo5 Hou2 Zung1 Ji3 Nei5 Aa3 (我好中意你啊.)

Locals from Hong Kong often say Ngo5 Hou2 Zung1 Ji3 Nei5 Aa3 (我好中意你啊。) when confessing their love for the first time since it is not too heavy. It means “I really like you.”

6. Ngo5 Dong3 Nei5 Hai6 Pang4 Jau5 Zaa3. (我當你係朋友咋.)

Making more subtle is the game plan of some especially if they are not that good with words. Another way to say I love you in Cantonese that is more subtle is Ngo5 dong3 nei5 hai6 pang4 jau5 zaa3. (我當你係朋友咋。). This means “I think of you as more than a friend.” in English.


Now that we are done with the ways on how to say I love you in Cantonese, let’s move on to one of the exciting parts of a romantic relationship called dating. Of course, dating is a part of a relationship where you discover and know more about your loved one. Here are some dating words and phrases in Cantonese that you need to know:

1. Soeng2 Min2 Tung4 Ngo5 Sik6 Caan1 Faan6 Maa3? (賞面同我食餐飯嗎?)

To formally asked somebody out for a dinner, you can say Soeng2 min2 tung4 ngo5 sik6 caan1 faan6 maa3? (賞面同我食餐飯嗎?). This literally means “Would you like to go out to dinner with me?”.

2. Nei5 Gam1 So3 Lai5 Baai1 Mei5 Dak1 M4 Dak1 Haan4? (你今個禮拜尾得唔得閒?)

If you want to ask someone out, you can also say Nei5 gam1 go3 lai5 baai1 mei5 dak1 m4 dak1 haan4? (你今個禮拜尾得唔得閒?) which means “Are you free this weekend?” in English. This is more subtle and informal than the first one. Loving somebody includes making time for him/her even in your busiest schedule.

3. Ngo5 Dei6 Ting1 Jat6 Gei2 Dim2 Gin3? (我哋聽日幾點見?)

One of the golden rules in dating is to be on time. The phrase Ngo5 dei6 ting1 jat6 gei2 dim2 gin3? (我哋聽日幾點見?) means “What time shall we meet tomorrow?”. Remember, it is said that first impression lasts so do your best to be on time or earlier.

4. Ngo5 Dei6 Hai2 Bin1 Dou6 Dang2? (我哋喺邊度等?)

Most of the first dates are very memorable. So to ask about a place to meet say Ngo5 dei6 hai2 bin1 dou6 dang2? (我哋喺邊度等). This means “Where shall we meet?” in English.

5. Ngo5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji3 zoi3 joek3 nei5? (我可唔可以再約你?)

If the date went well, make sure not to miss your opportunity. Say Ngo5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji3 zoi3 joek3 nei5? (我可唔可以再約你?). This means “Can I see you again?” in English.

6. Ngo5 Ce1 Nei5 Faan1 Uk1 Kei5. (我車你返屋企.)

They say that chivalry is dead but try to prove them wrong. If you are a real man, make sure she is safe by driving her home. It is also a sign of respect. Use Ngo5 ce1 nei5 faan1 uk1 kei5. (我車你返屋企。) to say “I will drive you home.” But remember that not every girl is comfortable with especially if you have just met.

7. Gam1 Maan1 Hou2 Hoi1 Sam1. (今晚好開心.)

Let him/her know how much you had fun during your entire date by saying Gam1 maan1 hou2 hoi1 sam1. (今晚好開心。). This means” That was a great evening.” in English.

Valentine’s Day

February is considered the month of love because of Valentine’s day. It is a day filled with romance, sweets, and love. Giving gifts to your partner is part of the culture of the locals in Hong Kong. For some, this is the day to make the person you love feel extra loved and cared and for some, it is the perfect opportunity to confess their feelings. Here are some words and phrases that you must learn that are related to Valentine’s day.

Marriage & Proposal

The main purpose of dating is to find your partner with whom you could spend your life for the rest of your life. Marriage is a sign of everlasting love and union no matter how hard life can be. If you happen to find your one true love and decided to get married, these are some words that will be helpful:

Other Cheesy Cantonese Love Words And Phrases

Here are some other romantic words and phrases in Cantonese to make it more cheesy:

Saying I love you is like reminding your loved one how much you value him/her in your life. Knowing that somebody loves you and treasures you with all his/her heart is one of the greatest feelings in life that is really priceless. Now that you have learned how to say I love you in Cantonese all these words, don’t forget to “walk the talk”. Do not be somebody who is just good with words but does not have the guts to take action. Show your sincerity through your efforts and make sure to do all your best not to hurt the one you love.

Did You Fell In Love Learning Cantonese? Here’s A Treat For You!

Cantonese is one of the exciting Chinese languages to learn. Yes, it may be hard at first but with the right tool and motivation, you’ll get through it. Through Ling App, you can learn how to speak Cantonese with correct pronunciation, how to write Cantonese characters, expand your Chinese vocabulary and learn Cantonese words and, phrases. Through the lessons and example, you can practice and master your skills in speaking and writing in Cantonese by just using your phone or any available gadget you have at your home.

Learning languages will really expand your knowledge, not just about the language but the culture and traditions of a certain country. So do yourself a favor and start learning Cantonese now!



Ling Learn Languages
Ling Learn Languages

Written by Ling Learn Languages

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