Happy Birthday In French In 19 Amazing Ways
Original blog post: https://ling-app.com/fr/happy-birthday-in-french/
Would you like to learn how to say happy birthday in French? If you have French-speaking friends or, even better, a francophone girlfriend or boyfriend, surely you want to impress them with your improved French vocabulary.
You should learn how to say happy birthday and all the words related to a birthday that can become handy once you go to a birthday party. For example, you may want to know who to say words such as “present,” “party,” “birthday cake,” and possibly some sentences related to them.
How To Say Happy Birthday In French
When you wish someone a happy birthday, you can use the most common birthday greeting or try some variations. A French-speaking friend can appreciate your effort, and at the same time, you want to have additional phrases to use in different circumstances.
If you go to French birthday parties, you will be happy to know how to wish a happy birthday in different ways. Here are some of the most commonly used sentences:
- Joyeux anniversaire — Happy birthday (most frequently used)
- Bon anniversaire — Happy birthday (very used and imply the wish to the receiver to experience a good birthday. It should be pronounced “bonne anniversaire” although it is written “bon”)
- Je te souhaite (Je vous souhaite) un super anniversaire — I wish you a great birthday
- Bon anniversaire mon ami(e) — Happy birthday, my friend!
- Quelle belle journée pour fêter ton anniversaire — What a great day to celebrate your birthday
- Joyeux Anniversaire en retard — Happy Belated Birthday
- Passe(z) un bon anniversaire — Have a good birthday
- Meilleurs vœux — Best wishes (often used in writing a birthday card and sometimes spoken French)
- Félicitations — Congratulations
- Que cette nouvelle année t’apporte plein de bonheur — May this new year bring you lots of happiness
- La santé, l’amour et le bonheur — Health, love and happiness
- Bonne fête — Good party(typically used in Canadian French)
- Profite bien de ta journée — Enjoy your day
- Je te souhaite le plus joyeux des anniversaries -I wish you to have the happiest birthday ever
- J’espère que tu auras un merveilleux anniversaire — I wish you all the best on your special day.
- Passez un fabuleux anniversaire — Have a fabulous birthday!
- Passe(z) une merveilleuse journée — Have a wonderful day
- Je te souhaite le plus joyeux des anniversaires -I wish you to have the happiest birthday ever!
- Joyeux anniversaire, mon amour ! — Happy Birthday my love!
If you are going to a birthday party of a person you do not know well, you can use a formal version for your birthday wishes: Je vous souhaite un bon/joyeux anniversaire — I wish you a happy birthday
You can use this when the birthday person is an acquaintance, elder, superior, or someone to show respect. The French language uses “Vous” when necessary formal circumstances and when addressing more than one person.
For example, if you say happy birthday to a person you just met, you would say, “Je vous souhaite un bon anniversaire.” But if you say happy birthday to your best friend, mom, or dad, you say: “Je te souhaite…”
Essential French Birthday Vocabulary To Know
Birthday parties require knowledge about the birthday song cakes, asking questions about other people’s age, answering simple questions from the person celebrating and guests. In addition, you should know a few words on your birthday gift, if requested.
Here are some valuable words and French expressions to know when attending French birthdays:
- Une fête d’anniversaire — A birthday party
- Quel âge as-tu? — How old are you now?
- J’ai 29 -I’m twenty-nine (in answering the above question)
- Ane fête d’anniversaire — A birthday party
- Un cadeau d’anniversaire — A birthday gift
- Un gâteau d’anniversaire — A birthday cake
- Une carte d’anniversaire — A birthday card
- Des bougies — Candles
- C’est quand, ton anniversaire? — When is your birthday?
- Faire un voeu — To make a wish
- Fêter un anniversaire — To celebrate a birthday
- Que tous vos désirs se réalisent — May all your wishes come true
Say Happy Birthday Vs. Wishing a Happy Anniversary
The French word “anniversaire” can have different meanings even though written precisely the same way. Although you can use it in your birthday wishes to others, it can also refer to any other anniversary (the date an event took place).
The English word “anniversary” doesn’t mean birthday; therefore, the similarity with the French word “anniversaire” can create confusion.
But when you see or hear the word “anniversaire” without a second word specifying it further, you know a French friend commonly refers to a birthday.
For example, if you see the words “anniversaire de mariage,” you know it is meant a wedding anniversary. On the other hand, if you do not see “anniversaire de …” you certainly know the subject is a birthday.
The words “gâteau d’anniversaire” usually refer to a birthday cake rather than an anniversary cake.
Original Birthday Parties Wishes
To get through one’s birthday, leaving a good impression on the other French-speaking parts, you could try learning the happy birthday song, writing lovely birthday cards, and wishing a wonderful birthday using uncommon phrases.
Here are a few other ways to wish someone on birthday:
- Tu peux le croire ? ! C’est ton anniversaire aujourd’hui -Can you believe it?! It’s your birthday today!
- Beaucoup d’amour, du bonheur et plein de beaux moments partagés avec ta famille et tes amis. Bon anniversaire — Lots of love, happiness and many beautiful moments with your family and friends. Happy birthday
- Je te souhaite de ne jamais cesser de profiter de tous les petits moments de ta vie ! — I wish you never stop enjoying all the little moments in your life!
- Je suis si heureux que tu sois venu au monde. Tu rends ma vie spéciale chaque jour ! — I am so glad you came into this world. You make my life special every day!
How to celebrate a birthday with French people? Typically, they use to do birthday parties, with cakes, candles, and presents.
In addition, you could say happy birthday by learning to sing the birthday song. Here is the simple version:
Joyeux anniversaire
Joyeux anniversaire
Joyeux anniversaire (name of the Birthday person)
Joyeux anniversaire à toi
If you really want to impress others and show off your French-speaking abilities, you can read French Sayings and French Adjectives
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