Common Professions In Spanish: #1 Complete List

Ling Learn Languages
7 min readSep 28, 2022


Original blog post: (with audio🔊)

Have you ever wondered what the most common professions in Hispanic countries are? Suppose you have dreamed about working or doing business in Spain or Latin America. Then you are probably wondering what kind of jobs are the most prominent. As a Spanish learner, knowing about professions in Spanish is a must!

In today’s article, I will share a list of names of occupations in Spanish and a list of the most common professions in Spanish-speaking countries. Who knows? Maybe after this, you will decide to switch your career to bring you closer to the language and culture you like!

Let’s begin.

List Of Occupations In Spanish

You will notice that many of the following job titles in Spanish are quite similar to English, as they have Latin origins. Therefore, you will have an easier time remembering them.

How To Say ‘Occupation,’ Job, And Profession in Spanish?

Occupation: Ocupación

Job: Trabajo

Profession: Profesión

Common Job Titles In Latin America

Experto en Marketing Digital. (Digital Marketing Expert)

  • Gerente o Coordinador de Comercio Electrónico. (E-commerce Manager or Coordinator)
  • Personal de Apoyo Sanitario.(Healthcare Support Staff)
  • El Enfermero/La enfermera. (Nurse): this profession specifies gender by adding the ending “a” for females or “o” for males.
  • El Médico. (Physician)
  • Auxiliar de Fisioterapia. (Physical Therapy Assistant)
  • Fisioterapeuta. (Physical Therapist)
  • Asistente de Salud en el Hogar (Home Health Assistant)
  • Bioquímicos (Biochemist)
  • Farmacéutico/a(Pharmacist)
  • Asesores y Gerentes Financieros. (Financial Advisors and Managers)
  • Agente de Bienes Raíces. (Real Estate Agent)
  • Especialista en Desarrollo de Negocios. (Business Development Specialist)
  • Ingeniero de Datos. (Data engineer)
  • Desarrolladores Front-End. (Front-End Developers)
  • Gerente del Servicio al Ciente. (Customer Service Manager)
  • Generador de Contenidos Digitales. (Digital Content Generator)

What Jobs Are Most Popular In Spain?

If you love service and tourism, Spain is your ideal country to study or work, as those professions dominate the market.

In addition, if you are waiting for that opportunity to move to work in Spain, you can look for opportunities in the sales, marketing, technology, and engineering sectors. Those are constantly in high demand, according to data gathered at EAE Business School.

Although there are several other kinds of occupations that are popular among graduate Spaniard students.

The following sectors and job titles are the most prevalent among the Spanish people:


  • Agente de Viajes. (Travel Agent)

Food and Beverages

  • Servidor de Vinos. (Wine Server)
  • Supervisora ​​de Servicio de Alimentos y Bebidas (Food and Beverage Service Supervisor)
  • Directora de restaurantes (Director of Restaurants)

Textiles and Apparel

  • Diseñadores de Moda (Fashion Designers)
  • Estilista Personal (Personal Stylist)
  • Estilista de Moda (Fashion Stylist)
  • Diseñador Textil (Textile Designers)


  • Operador de Telecomunicaciones. (Telecommunications Operator)
  • Programador de Computadora. (Computer Programmer)
  • Ingeniero de Pre-Ventas (PreSales Engineer)
  • Gerente de producto (Product Manager)
  • Especialista en facturación (Billing Specialist)


  • Ensamblador eléctrico (Electrical Assembler)
  • Electricista (Electrician)
  • Técnico en Equipos Biomédicos (Biomedical Equipment Technician)

Complete List Of # Professions in Spanish

La Alcaldesa/El Alcalde. (Mayor)

EL Actor/La Actriz. (Actor/Actress)

El Contador/El Contable. (Accountant)

La Directora/El Director. (Director)

La Policía/El Policia. (Police officer)

El Administrador. (Administrator)

El Embajador. (Ambassador)

El Arqueólogo. (Archaeologist)

El Arquitecto. (Architect)

Animador/Animador Digital. (Animator/Digital Animator)

El Abogado. (Attorney)

El Panadero/La Panadera. (Baker)

El Barbero. (Barber)

El Mesero/La Mesera. (Bartender)

El Esteticista. (Beautician)

El Biólogo. (Biologist)

El Empresario/La Empresaria. (Businessman/Businesswoman)

El carnicero. (Butcher)

El Capitán. (Captain)

El Carpintero/La Carpintera. (Carpenter)

El Farmacéutico. (Pharmacist)

El Químico. (Chemist)

El Director-General. (Chief Executive Officer)

El Oficinista. (Clerk/Office Worker)

El Entrenador/La Entrenadora. (Coach)

El Programador. (Computer programmer)

El Cocinero. (Cook)

El Bailarín/La Bailarina. (Dancer)

El Dentista/La Dentista. (Dentist)

El Conductor. (Driver)

El Diseñador/La Diseñadora. (Designer )

El Redactor. (Editor)

El Periodista/La periodista (Journalist)

El Dependiente. (Sales Clerk)

El Electricista. (Electrician)

El Ingeniero/La Ingeniera. (Engineer)

El Peluquero. (Hairdresser)

El Agricultor/El Granjero. (Farmer)

El Bombero. (Firefighter)

El Geólogo. (Geologist)

El Guardia. (Guard)

La Florista. (Florist)

El Hotelero. (Hotelier)

El Joyero.(Jeweler)

El Pescador. (Fisherman)

El Dueño. (Landlord)

El Abogado/La Abogada. (Lawyer)

El bibliotecario. (Librarian)

El Cartero. (Mail Carrier)

El Mecánico. (Mechanic)

El Ministry. (Minister — Politics)

El Modelo/La Modelo. (Model)

El Músico. (Musician)

El Optómetra. (Optometrist)

El Pintor. (Painter)

El/La poeta. (Poet)

El Piloto/La Piloto. (Pilot)

El Presidente/la President. (President)

El Profesor/La Profesora. (Professor)

El Psicólogo. (Psychologist)

El Marinero. (Sailor)

El Vendedor. (Salesman/Saleswoman)

El Científico. (Scientist)

El Secretario/La Secretaria. (Secretary)

El Asistente Social. (Social Worker)

El Soldado. (Soldier)

El Cirujano. (Surgeon)

El Maestro/La Maestra. (Professor/Teacher)

Terapeuta. (Therapist)

Presentador de Tv/Conductor. (Television Presenter)

Veterinario. (Veterinary/Veterinarian)

El Camarero/Mesero. (Waiter)

El Escritor. (Writer)

El Traductor. (Translator)

El jardinero. (Gardener)

La Azafata/Tripulante de Cabina. (Flight Attendant/Cabin Crew)

Grammar Rules You Should Know

When To Use Indefinite Articles?

Now you know the professions in Spanish, can you properly use them in a sentence? You need to understand when you can use indefinite articles in Spanish. Is there a Spanish equivalent of “a” or an “? There are: “un,” “uno,” and “una.”

However, when talking about one’s profession, we don’t use indefinite articles as in English. There are only certain conditions where using indefinite articles are accepted when discussing professions.

Let’s learn about this using some example sentences:

For example:

  • Mi hijo se convirtió en un excelente doctor. (My son became an excellent doctor.): in this sentence, the person is talking about someone else’s job title and implies that, among other doctors, their son is an excellent one.
  • Soy médico. (I am a physician): in this example, though, the Spanish phrase omits the indefinite article because including “un” — “Soy un médico,” sounds redundant and unnatural to native speakers.

You can also use the article when talking in general or when you want to specify that you are one of the many people with the same occupation.

For example:

  • Soy uno de los mejores médicos en éste hospital. (I am one of the best physicians in this hospital.)
  • Fui a buscar un abogado. (I went to look for a lawyer.)
  • Un pintor es un artista que necesita de su musa para crear. (A painter is an artist who needs his muse to create.)

Note: Please listen to the pronunciation to understand the pronunciation difference between ‘doctor’ in Spanish and English.


After reading the list of professions in Spanish, you probably wondered how to determine the gender in job titles that do not specify masculine and feminine forms.

In that case, you need to focus on the context of the conversation, the name of the person, or by looking at the article.

For example:

Ella es una de las escritoras de la revista. (She is one of the writers of the magazine.) — Female writer

  • In that sentence, it is easy to understand the gender with the following words ‘ella’ (she), ‘una,’ (a), and the ‘as’ ending in ‘escritora,’ which implies the feminine form.

Let’s see another example:

Mi hermana es dentista. (My sister is a dentist.) — Female Dentist

Mi hermano es dentista. (My brother is a dentist.) — Male Dentista

  • Note how in both sentences, the term ‘dentista’ doesn’t change to specify gender. You would need to listen clearly to know if they are talking about their sister (hermana) or brother (hermano).

Talking About Professions In Spanish with Native Speakers

With enough terms and basic grammar knowledge, you can now start practicing some sentences that you can use when talking about the most common occupations with native speakers.

Use the following sentence next time you want to ask your Spanish-speaking friends about their professions, and tell them about yours as well.

  • ¿En qué trabajas? (What’s your job?)
  • ¿Cuál es tu profesión? (What is your profession?)
  • ¿A qué te dedicas? (What is your job?)
  • ¿Te gusta tu trabajo? (Do you like your job?)
  • ¿Cómo es tu trabajo? (How is your job?)
  • ¿Cuál es tu trabajo soñado? (What is your dream job?)
  • ¿Te gusta mi trabajo? (Do you like my work?)
  • No me gusta nada mi trabajo. (I don’t like my job at all.)
  • Me encanta mi trabajo. (I love my work.)
  • Yo trabajo en… (I work at…)
  • ¿Qué te gustaría ser cuando crezcas? (What would you like to be when you grow up?)
  • Cuántas horas de trabajo tienes a la semana? (How many hours of work do you have per week?)
  • En qué te gusta trabajar? (What do you like to work on?)

Wrapping Up!

So, remember that you don’t necessarily have to use the articles “un,” “uno,” and “una” when talking about professions.

Mastering conversations about Spanish professions is not complicated. You may need to practice grammar and gather some related vocabulary to each job title to form a complete Spanish conversation. But that is achievable if you practice at least 15 minutes a day with Ling App.

Ling can help you improve Spanish grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, and reading skills at your own pace. The best part? It’s fun, time-saving, user-friendly, and cost-effective! You won’t need any books to master your Spanish skills.

And if you need even more learning resources, our blog is constantly updating with interesting cultural and language-related topics. You can learn Spanish words such as apologies, verbs, love words, Christmas greetings, and key survival vocabulary in case you travel to a Spanish-speaking country.

Soon you will notice how your abilities increase until you can engage in flowing conversations with Spanish native speakers.

Do you want to give it a try? Download Ling App today!



Ling Learn Languages
Ling Learn Languages

Written by Ling Learn Languages

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