Airport Vocabulary In Spanish: 70+ Words And Key Phrases

Ling Learn Languages
5 min readNov 1, 2022


Original blog post: (with audio🔊)

Planning a trip to a Hispanic country? Begin your Spanish learning journey by learning the airport vocabulary in Spanish to move around the airport smoothly and confidently.

Traveling to a different country is an incredible experience, worth every minute, even when there are language barriers! Although, it is much better and easier when you know the basics of the local language.

Once you arrive at the airport of a Spanish-speaking country, you may listen to Spanish-speaking people. Whether they are regular travelers or staff at the airport who, instead of speaking English, chose to talk to you in Spanish, you would need to have some words and phrases up your sleeve to answer back.

If you plan a memorable trip to Spain or Latin America the next summer, we also suggest learning essential survival phrases to help you find your way around the place you visit.

Are you ready to learn them all? Let’s begin!

Airport Vocabulary In Spanish

Listen to the pronunciations and practice on your own to become used to your voice while speaking Spanish.

1. Location: How To Say Airport In Spanish?


  • El Aeropuerto (Singular)
  • Los Aeropuertos (Plural)

2. Transportation: How To Say Airplane?

The following list will teach you the names of the transportation that you can commonly find at an airport.

Aircraft/Airplane: El Avión

  • Commercial plane: Avión comercial
  • Cargo plane: Avión de carga
  • Military airplane: Avión militar

Light Aircraft/Plane: Avioneta

Jet: Aeroplano/Jet

Helicopter: Helicóptero

3. At The Airport Vocabulary

Airline: La compañía aérea

Arrivals: Llegadas

Baggage: El equipaje

Baggage claim: Reclamo de equipaje

Boarding pass: Tarjeta de embarque

Baggage allowance: Límite de equipaje

Book: La reserva

Checked luggage: El equipaje facturado

Check-in desk: Mostrador de facturación

Carry-on luggage: El equipaje de mano

Check-in: Registro

Connecting flight: Vuelo de conexión

Conveyor belt/Carousel/Baggage claim: Zona de recogida del equipaje

Customs: Aduana

Connecting flight: Conexión

Delayed: Demorado

Departures: Salidas

Destination: Destino

Domestic flight: Vuelo de cabotaje

Departure lounge: Sala de espera

Duty Free Area: Area Libre de impuestos

Emergency exit: Salida de emergencia

Excess baggage: Exceso de equipaje

Flight number: Número de vuelo

Gate: Puerta

International flight: Vuelo internacional

Non-stop flight: Vuelo director

On schedule: En horario

Overbooking: Sobre venta (de asientos)

Passport: El Pasaporte

Passenger: Pasajero

Runway take-off and landing: La pista de despegue y aterrizaje

Restrooms: Sanitarios

Security check: Control de seguridad

Stopover: Escala

Shuttle bus: Autobús de traslado

Terminal: La terminal

4. Inside The Plane

Aisle, crew, pilot, or first class. Have you wondered how to say these words in Spanish?

Aisle: El Pasillo

Bumpy flight: Vuelo turbulento

Business-class: Clase business

Coach class: Clase turista

Cockpit: Cabina del piloto

Crew: Tripulación

First-class: Primera clase

Flight Attendant: Auxiliar de vuelo

Pilot: El piloto/La piloto

Row: La Fila

Seat: El Asiento

Seat belt: El Cinturón de seguridad

Steward/Air hostess/Stewardess: La Azafata

Takeoff: Eldespegue

To board: Embarcar/El abordaje

To take off: Despegar

The aisle seat: El asiento de pasillo

To land: Aterrizar

Turbulence: Turbulencias/Turbulencia

Essential Phrases You Should Learn To Survive At Hispanic Airports

  • Mis maletas están perdidas. (My bags are lost)
  • Dónde está el baño. (Where is the bathroom?)
  • Puedo cambiar de asiento? (Can I change seats?)
  • A qué hora es el vuelo? (What time is the flight?)
  • ¿Me enseña su pasaporte, por favor? (Can you show me your passport, please?)
  • Me gustaría el asiento de la ventana. (I would like the window seat.)
  • Tengo una pregunta sobre mi vuelo. (I have a question about my flight.)
  • ¿Puedo llevar ésta maleta en el avión, o es muy grande? (Can I take this bag on the plane, or is it too big?)
  • ¿Dónde está la puerta de embarque? (Where is the boarding gate?)

List Of Verbs

There are some specific verbs that we usually use while at the airport or while buying plane tickets.

  • To buy: Comprar

Vamos a comprar un perfume en la zona libre de impuestos del aeropuerto. (We are going to buy a perfume at the airport duty free.)

  • To reserve: Reservar

Voy a reservar mi pasaje de abordaje. (I will reserve my boarding pass.)

  • To register: Register

Quiero registrar el equipaje de mano, por favor. (I want to check hand luggage please.)

  • To board: Abordar

¿Dónde debo abordar el vuelo? (Where should I board the flight?)

  • To wait: Esperar

La sala de espera para primera clase de ésta aerolínea es lujosa. (This airline’s first class lounge is luxurious.)

Wrapping up!

Now you know all the airport vocabulary in Spanish that you need for an easier experience during your next trip to a Hispanic country.

I’m sure you will feel good about yourself if you have enough knowledge of the Spanish language!

Moreover, if you are traveling not as a tourist but moving and living in that country, learning the language is essential. In fact, many airport staff will see that you are a country resident and naturally speak to you in the local language.

Besides, the first step into a new country is talking with the people at the airports. Give a good impression to the locals and speak to them in their language!

So what is your next step? Use the best resource to advance your Spanish skills, from speaking to comprehension, and practice as much as possible before your trip.

Learn Spanish With Ling App!

Our suggestion for you is to try out the Ling App. A user-friendly and cost-effective language app with more than 60 languages to learn, including Spanish.

Since it is a gamified app, you will never get bored with any lessons, and your learning journey will be much more enjoyable. You can rest assured that you will increase your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills with just 15 minutes of daily practice.

After going through Ling App and its Spanish lessons, you will notice, in no time, significant improvements that will make you feel confident to speak with the locals as soon as you step out of the plane.

Your goal of achieving Spanish fluency is just a click away. Start learning Spanish with Ling Now!

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Ling Learn Languages
Ling Learn Languages

Written by Ling Learn Languages

Ling is a game-like language learning app with a pack of 60+ languages. You will learn languages in fun ways!

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