50+ Easy And Timely Latvian Health Vocabulary
Original blog post: https://ling-app.com/lv/latvian-health-vocabulary/ (with audio🔊)
Are you looking for the best Latvian health vocabulary for your upcoming trip? With everything happening worldwide, it is wise if travelers to try to learn essential words and expressions related to health in case of emergencies. After all, life can take us by surprise, and we might suddenly catch a cold while traveling. For this reason, learning words like medicīna (medicine), simptomi (symptoms), or even slimība (disease) can certainly help you out in conversing with the locals. Are you ready to learn more? Let’s get started!
Why Should You Learn Latvian?
If you are still confused about why you should learn the different phrases and words in Latvian before your journey, here is a list of reasons for you to read! With particular regard to health vocabulary, this section will ensure that knowing a foreign language such as Latvian is worth your time!
- One of the most rewarding perspectives of having more options when it comes to language is that it helps you connect with the locals and function properly in a new environment. When you travel to a new country, you would surely want to make new partners and friends. Thus, knowing the language will be your first guide to do that without any communication barriers.
- Another reason that comes out as rewarding is that you can quickly seek help when in need. Whenever we travel to a new country, we are always get baffled by local strangers and their behavior. But when you understand what they are saying, you realize how important it is to learn more about their language. When it comes to health issues, language will be the primary tool to help you get to the right person at the needed time.
- Lastly, the most important reason for learning Latvian before traveling is to boost your confidence. When we are fully aware of our surroundings, we make better decisions without shaking things up with the fear of fraud or spam in new countries. Thus, giving a few hours to a Latvian lesson will cause no harm and only bring peace to your journey. If you want to check up on other users of foreign languages, Ling App can be a suitable platform for you to explore.
Essential Latvian Health Vocabulary
Now that you are confident about learning the language, let’s start with health terms and translations in the Latvian language.
1. Veselība (Health)
The first word we must be aware of is “Health” itself. Once you land in Latvia, you will realize that the word Veselība will be in constant use. Latvia is most prone to health problems due to extreme weather conditions. You never know when health issues can come knocking on your doorstep while traveling.
2. Veselības apdrošināšana (Health Insurance)
At the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, health insurance has become a valuable resource. Before you enter another country like Latvia, your home country might require you to get health insurance to ensure that you’ll get the medical help you need even if you are overseas.
3. Veselības apdrošināšanas karte (Health Insurance Card)
As we are talking about the importance of Veselības apdrošināšana, we cannot skip the word Veselības apdrošināšanas karte, which is basically the actual card. Without the insurance card, no preferences will be given to you while admitted into a hospital. Thus, ensure your insurance card is always with you all the time, along with your important documents and IDs.
4. Slimnīca (Hospital)
Where do you go when you feel unwell? Of course, it is the slimnīca. Knowing how to say the word hospital in Latvian is critical. If you have a sudden ailment that is too difficult to bear, you must tell people around you to take you to the nearest one. Knowing the translation for this word is essential so that the locals will easily understand you and provide help.
5. Ārsts (Doctor)
It is time to give some attention to our most essential front-liners, the Ārsti (plural). Doctors are the authority heads in our lives when it comes to health. Only their prescription can give us the pathway to a healthy lifestyle, as pharmacies in the country will not provide you with medicine without an official doctor’s note.
6. Veselības pārbaude (Health Check Up)
A health checkup or Veselības pārbaude is another essential vocab you should know. If your body requires regular health checkups and timely medication, you will need this term to help the locals guide you with the required service. Although you may have researched before traveling, locals will always know better. So, for proper communication and help, knowing the term Veselības pārbaude will come in handy.
7. Veselības drošība (Health Security)
When you are traveling, you should make sure you have tight health security without any failure. And to recognize it in Latvia, you say Veselības drošība. No matter where you go, before food or clothes, the quality of health security should always be your priority to keep your body in the best shape. Especially in this time of pandemic and unnamed diseases, Veselības drošība is an essential word.
Symptoms, Diseases, And Other Health Vocab
This section will cover all the other words related to health. Knowing these will further help you communicate and express what you are feeling.
Symptoms And Disease-Related
In-Hospital Words
Other Health-Related Words
Health Phrases In Latvian
Now that you know some essential health-related words, here is a list of phrases that will help you express and question health in the native language. Learn them and get ready for a smooth journey.
Wrapping Up
Are you enjoying the vocabulary lessons? Well then, you should not stop yet. Knowing such terms and phrases will keep you stress-free and help you instantly whenever the hour of need comes. So, if you are willing to continue learning more about such content, you can simply download the Ling App on Appstore or Playstore to gain access to outstanding lessons within one app. Let’s learn more about this below.
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Ling is a language learning app that covers 60 languages and various topics such as household vocabulary, sports, food, culture, and many more. It is built with unique features like an AI chatbot only for eager souls like you to make learning fun and easy. It hires expert writers and native speakers to ensure that all the content within the app is correct and up to date. So, don’t wait and start your Latvian learning venture beginning with Ling today!