41+ Common Animal Names In French: Ultimate Vocabulary

Ling Learn Languages
5 min readAug 31, 2022


Original blog post: https://ling-app.com/fr/animal-names-in-french/

Are you curious to know what the common animal names in French are? If this is the case, you have arrived in the right place. French people love pets and animals, especially dogs, cats, and horses.

You will likely get into a conversation about pets and animals sooner or later. For this reason, it is always better to add to your vocabulary some of the most common animal names in French.

Most Common Animal Names In French

Knowing how to say the animals in french can open the door to a lot of conversation with friends and new people. Most people like animals or have pets in their houses; therefore, learning new words in this area can help you understand others and tell them your favorite pets and much more.

Here are the words to add to your French animal vocabulary:

  1. Le chien — The dog
  2. Un chat — A cat
  3. Un poisson rouge — A goldfish
  4. Un oiseau — A bird
  5. Un hamster — A hamster
  6. Un âne — Adonkey
  7. Le cheval- The horse
  8. Un chaton — A kitten
  9. Une perruche — A parakeet
  10. Un Chiot — A puppy
  11. Un mouton — Asheep
  12. Une poule A chicken
  13. Un taureauA bull
  14. La vache — A cown
  15. Un bouc — A goat
  16. Le tigre — The tiger
  17. Un rat — A rat
  18. Un ours — A bear
  19. La girafe — The giraffe
  20. Le crocodile — The crocodile
  21. Le renard — The fox
  22. Le lion — The lion
  23. Le poisson — The fish
  24. Le serpent — The snake
  25. Un crapaud — A toad
  26. Un anglier — A boar
  27. Un agneau — A lamb
  28. Un canard — A duck
  29. Une jument — A mare
  30. Une dinde — A turkey
  31. Un bœuf — A ox
  32. Un cochon — A pig
  33. Un poney — A pony
  34. Un lapin — A rabbit
  35. Un coq — A rooster
  36. Un bélier — A ram
  37. La fourmi — The ant
  38. Le papillon — The butterfly
  39. Le cafard — Cockroach
  40. La coccinelle — The Ladybug
  41. L’araignée — The spider
  42. Le furet — Ferret
  43. Le loup — The wolf
  44. La tortue — The turtle
  45. L’éléphant — The elephant
  46. Le singe — The monkey
  47. Le zèbre — The zebraa
  48. La mouette — The seagull
  49. Le requin — The shark

These are not the only French animal names worth knowing; for example, there are a lot of farm animals and sea animals.

Most Common French Farm Animals

You can start with the farm animals if you want to add more words to your French animal vocabulary list. Some of the farm animals in french are already listed above, and here below, you can find more of them:

  • Le caneton — The duckling
  • L’oie — The goose
  • Le lama — The llama
  • Une souris — The mouse
  • La mule — The mule
  • Cochon d’Inde — The guinea pig
  • L’autruche — The ostrich
  • La renne — Reindeer
  • Les buffles d’eau — Water buffalo

Related Words And Phrases To Animals In French

To complement your vocabulary of French animal words, you should be able to know a few expressions and questions that you can find helpful:

  • Poissons et animaux marins — Fish and sea animals
  • Animal de compagnie/Les animaux de compagnie — Pet/Pets
  • Quel est ton animal favori? — What is your favorite pet?
  • Mon animal de compagnie préféré est… — My favorite pet is …
  • Quel est le nom de votre chien? — What is the name of your dog?
  • Quel âge a ton chat [or other animal] ? — How old is your cat [or other animals]?
  • Un chien errant — A stray dog
  • J’aime apprendre sur différents animaux — I like to learn about different animals

Which Animals Are Common In France?

France hosts over 120 mammal species, some of which are unique to France. If you visit the country, it is worth trying to see some of them. Here are some of the extraordinary animals you can find in France:

  • Roe Deer
  • Eurasian Pygmy Shrew
  • Garden Dormouse
  • European Mole
  • European Hare
  • False Killer Whale
  • Flamingos
  • Bears
  • Marbled Newt
  • Harbor Seal
  • Chamois
  • The North Wolf

Those traveling through the Pyrenees mountains could see bears. Their number has been increasing over the years, even though their specie is not considered yet out of danger. It is easier to see a bear in summer when they are out of lethargy.

Another unique animal you will find in France is the chamois. Typically is located in the Pyrenees mountains in southwest France. This animal is very experienced in climbing mountains to reach the top, especially in summer.

They like to find new places where to eat grass and herbs. But in winter you can see them often in the forest or at the foot of a hill. Another great predator you can see in France is the North Wolf. Migrating from Italy, now France counts over 200 wolves, mainly in the French Alps mountains or near the southern coasts.

Interesting isn’t it?

Now that you have learned about the common animal names in French, you could try the language if you still haven’t done it. You will have a lot of fun learning the French language! Read more vocabulary lessons such as the Easy French Words About Transportation, French pronouns, and adjectives to improve your French skills.

Learn French With Ling App!

If you want to improve your French or even start from scratch and become fluent, you can use Ling App. It is a language app that can help you learn everything about French. From grammar to pronunciation and much more!

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Ling Learn Languages

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