4 Ways To Say Thank You In Khmer

When you know how to say “Thank you” you will see the world from a different perspective. Thanking someone is more than just a good manner or politeness. It is also a sign of being grateful for everything no matter how small it is. So in this blog, you will learn how to say Thank you in Khmer.
Saying Thank You
Have you ever received a “Thank you” from someone? Even if it is for a simple reason, it really feels great when someone tells you that they appreciate you. Nowadays, showing your gratitude maybe one of the simplest but can be the most powerful thing we can do for each other. There are different ways to say thank someone. It doesn’t always have to be put into words, sometimes, your action may speak for yourself how grateful you are to the person.
Khmer- The Official Language Of Cambodia
Cambodia is a country that will amaze you with its culture and traditions. If you have an opportunity to go to Cambodia, don’t think twice and grab it right away because you might be getting a once-in-a-lifetime travel experience that you may never forget. But a great journey will start when you actually connect to the locals. To do that, you must know what language they are using.
There are many languages across different countries in the world. In Cambodia, Khmer (ភាសាខ្មែរ) is their official language. It is a Mon-Khmer language that is spoken not just in Cambodia but also in Vietnam and Thailand. If you have been to Thailand, you might notice that there are some Khmer vocabulary that is similar to Thai’s. Surprisingly, the reason behind that was the centuries of two-way borrowing. As a result, the Khmer language shares many features and vocabulary with the Thai language.
Although many locals can speak English, most of them speak Khmer. Now that you learn a little bit about the Khmer language, it’s time for you to learn some Khmer phrases that will be essential for you. But if you want to learn more about the Khmer language and Khmer Alphabet you might want to check it out in a different blog.
How To Say Thank You In Khmer?
Cambodians are known to be hospitable, warm-hearted, and polite. The way they speak to other people especially to foreigners is a reflection of their culture. They really value respect and humbleness. As a foreigner, this is something that you should really consider. Being grateful is one of the characteristics that is really evident to a Cambodian. So, let’s learn how to say Thank you in Khmer.
1. Au Kun (ឣរគុណ)

Au Kun (ឣរគុណ) literally means “Thank you” in English. You can use this in many situations when you are in Cambodia. When you are in a foreign land, do not forget to express your gratitude even for simple things that are given to you. You can say it to the waiters, taxi, bus, and tuk-tuk drivers after they gave you a ride. You can also say it to vendors and cashiers when you bought something. Lastly, you can simply say it when asking for directions from the locals.
2. Au Kun Cheraown (អរគុណច្រើន)

Saying “Thank you” is fine and enough but if you are feeling extra grateful, you can say Au Kun Cheraown (អរគុណច្រើន). This means “Thank you very much” in English. It wouldn’t hurt if you express deep appreciation to someone.
3. Akun, sok sabai (សុខសប្បាយ)

If you happen to meet someone and asked you “How are you?” This is the most common way to respond to that. Akun, sok sabai (សុខសប្បាយ) means “Fine, thank you” in English.
4. Ort Teh, Au Kun (អត់ទេ, អរគុណ)

As you walk down the streets, you might be offered different kinds of things like tuk-tuk rides, massages, souvenirs, and postcards. If you have a budget for souvenirs, why not help the locals promote their products? But if your budget is really tight, you can politely say “No, thank you” to them by saying Ort Teh, Au Kun (អត់ទេ, អរគុណ)
How To Respond To Thank You In Khmer?
Mun Ay Te / Som Uñjaowñ (អត់អីទេ/សូមអញ្ជើញ)

If you are looking for a word to respond to Thank you in Khmer, Mun Ay Te / Som Uñjaowñ is the right word for you. It means “You’re welcome” in English. It is always nice to reciprocate pleasantries. Being able to respond if someone is thanking you is a sign that you acknowledge their gratitude. It is also a sign of respect and politeness.
Other Useful Khmer Words And Phrases
Khmer Greetings
Are you good at starting a conversation? How if you are a foreigner in a country, would you be able to talk with locals that easily? Of course, it’s natural for most of us to be awkward at first. You don’t magically step into a country and talk with people easily. Before you learn to say Thank you in Khmer, you must first learn to start a conversation. There are different Khmer greetings that you should learn but let’s start with the basic one — “hello”
Hello (Formal)
It is nice to be formal when you just met somebody. Cambodians use Choum Reap Sour (ជំរាបសួរ ) to say “hello” in Khmer formally.
Hello (Informal)
When you are talking with a friend or someone who’s the same age as you, you can use the informal way. Cambodians use susadei (សួស្តី) to say “hello” in Khmer informally.
Times of the Day

If you would like to include the time of the day when thanking someone, you may use the following words and phrases.
Good Morning
The Khmer word for “Good morning” is Ah roeun sour sdei (អរុណសួស្).
Good Afternoon
Tiveah sour sdei (ទិវាសួស្) is the Khmer word for “Good afternoon”.
Good Evening
To say “Good evening” in Khmer, use Sayon sour sdei.
Saying Goodbye

“Goodbye and thank you” are usually used in classes and other meetings. But if you travel, you can also use this, especially when asking for directions, buying something in a store, or visiting a beautiful place. To learn how to say “Goodbye” in Khmer, check out the words below:
Goodbye (Formal)
To say “Goodbye” formally, use Jom reap lear (ជុំរាបលា).
Goodbye (Informal)
Lia-haeuy/ Lee hi (លាហើយ ) is used to say “Goodbye” in informal conversations.
Expressing Politeness

When you visit Cambodia, please remember to be polite. Locals are really polite and humble. Learning to say Thank you in Khmer is not just the only way to express politeness. They are respectful when especially to the elders. You, as a foreigner, should also be aware of their culture. Here are some words you can use to express politeness:
If you are asking for a favor, it’s nice to use this magic word. To say “Please” in Khmer use som (សូម).
Excuse Me/Sorry
Acknowledging mistakes, no matter how small it is, is an also a way being humble. To say “Sorry/Excuse me” in Khmer says Som toh (សូមទោស).
Sampeah (សំពះ)
Above all these words and greetings, there is a Cambodian way of greeting that you must remember and that is called sampeah (សំពះ). This is a gesture you must do while greeting someone in Khmer. There are five versions of sampeah that depends on whom you are talking to:
First Sampeah
- It is used to greet friends and peers.
- Place both palms together at chest level.
Second Sampeah
- It is used to greet bosses, an older person or higher-ranking people.
- Place palms together at the mouth level.
Third Sampeah
- It is used to greet parents, grandparents, or teachers.
- Place both palms together at the nose level.
Fourth Sampeah
- It to greet the king or monks.
- Place both palms together at the eyebrows level.
Fifth Sampeah
- It is used to pray to God or sacred statues.
- Place palms together at the forehead level.

Learning to say Thank You in Khmer is just a step in learning Khmer. You should also keep in mind how these words are pronounced and the sound each letter makes. The pronunciation of the words is important in making meaning. Make sure to pronounce everything accurately to avoid misunderstandings.
Learning languages might sound hard at first. Now that you have a few words with you, you may now expand your knowledge not just in the Cambodian language but in other languages as well. There are different ways to learn new languages. You can visit ling-app.com, a site for learning languages. Using this tool, you will have a better experience learning. Start with a single word, from the word, turn it into a phrase, and from the phrase, turn it into sentences. You could also hear the sounds and how each word is pronounced.
Above all, it is easy and convenient to use. You are not required to attend a scheduled class. You can do it anytime you are free as long as you have your gadget and internet connection. See? But aside from a tool, practice will always pay off. Your personal interest in learning a language will be your great tool.
Original blog post: https://ling-app.com/km/thank-you-in-khmer/