4 Important Nepali Vocabulary About Transportation
Nepali is a beautiful landlocked country of South Asia. Mainly, it is situated in the Himalayas, which makes Nepal among the most attractive tourist destinations on the map of the world. Visitors from different parts of the world visit Nepal the whole year to see the glory of Mount Everest. Also, no words can explain the aesthetic natural beauty of Nepal. What else could one ask for?
Need Of Nepali Vocabulary About Transportation In Nepal
How can you have a convenient trip to some country without being able to speak its language? Although you may talk to the Nepali people in other languages, like English, it would sound great if you spoke Nepali. Because the local folks show more love when their native language is spoken, so, for traveling, you must learn to speak some basic Nepali vocabulary about transportation for the sake of not feeling left out.
So, to help you out to not struggle with language to talk to the Nepali people, we have come up with some basic Nepali vocabulary about transportation.
Basic Nepali Vocabulary About Transportation
Following are the most commonly used phrases and words when you speak about the transport of a country.
Nepali: ट्याक्सी
Pronunciation: Ṭyāksī
The foreign visitors often happen to hire a taxi as they usually do not have transportation of their own. So, when you visit Nepal, you should know the basic words of the language to interact with Nepalis in their language. So, in Nepal, you say ” ट्याक्सी” in place of a taxi or cab.
Nepali: ट्रेन
Pronunciation: Ṭrēna
Public transport and touristy attractions are a combination. Local Nepali people and foreigners feel good to travel by train as they are a cheaper means of transportation. So, if you are in Nepal, how can you miss travel by it. If you happen to use the word “train” in the Nepali language, say “ट्रेन.”
Nepali: स्केटबोर्ड
Pronunciation: Skēṭabōrḍa
When you visit this hilly country, your tour is not completed without enjoying skating. You may also love skating! So, can you miss out on learning the Nepalese translation of the skateboard? In the Nepali language, you call skateboard, ” स्केटबोर्ड.”
Nepali: बस
Pronunciation: Basa
Like any other country, Nepali public transport appeals the visitors to travel by. Other than the bus, the train is the most popular public transport in use. How can you stay there and not travel by bus? So, being in Nepal, how can you not talk about it when traveling? So, in the Nepalese, a bus is called, “बस.”
Apart from Nepali vocabulary about transportation, you also need to be able to bid basic greetings. So, make sure you can speak Common Greetings In Nepali before visiting this beautiful tourist attraction.
List of Nepali Vocabulary About Transportation With Pronunciation
In the following, we are going to enlist down a few commonly used Nepali vocabulary about transportation that would help you more all along:
Nepali Vocabulary About Transportation: Road Vehicles
Nepali Vocabulary About Transportation: Vehicles In Railway And Air
Nepali Vocabulary About Transportation: Vehicles In Water
More Examples Of Using Nepali Vocabulary About Transportation
म एउटा स्कूटर किन्न चाहन्छु
Ma ē’uṭā skūṭara kinna cāhanchu (I want to buy a scooter.)
उसले नयाँ ट्रयाक्टर किन्नुभयो
Usalē nayām̐ ṭrayākṭara kinnubhayō (He bought a new tractor.)
म बस द्वारा आएको थियो।
Ma basa dvārā ā’ēkō thiyō. (I came by bus.)
म हवाईजहाजबाट कहिल्यै उडिएको छैन।
Ma havā’ījahājabāṭa kahilyai uḍi’ēkō chaina. (I have never flown by aeroplane.)
यो नौका धेरै महँगो छ
Yō naukā dhērai maham̐gō cha (This yacht is very expensive.)
मलाई थाहा छैन यो मोटरसाइकल कती छ
Malā’ī thāhā chaina yō mōṭarasā’ikala katī cha (I don’t know how much this motorcycle is!)
तिनीहरूलाई ढु हटाउन बुलडोजर चाहियो।
Tinīharūlā’ī ḍhu bullgā haṭā’una bulḍōjara cāhi’ēkō thiyō. (They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.)
मेरो कार ईन्धन को छोटो चलिरहेको छ
Mērō kāra īndhana kō chōṭō calirahēkō cha (My car is running short of fuel.)
हेलिकप्टर धेरै कम उडान गर्दै छ
Hēlikapṭara dhērai kama uḍāna gardai cha (The helicopter is flying very low.)
के तपाईसँग साइकल छ?
Kē tapā’īsam̐ga sā’ikala cha? (Do you have a bicycle?)
म हतारमा छु, म ट्याक्सी लिने छु
Ma hatāramā chu, ma ṭyāksī linē chu (I am in a hurry, I will take a cab)
कल गरीएको केही मिनेटमा नै एम्बुलेन्स आइपुगे।
Kala garī’ēkō kēhī minēṭamā nai ēmbulēnsa ā’ipugē. (The ambulance arrived within minutes of the call being made.)
These were some of the most commonly used Nepali vocabulary about transportation that must be a part of your vernacular before visiting there. If one is a keen learner or wants to learn the Nepalese, just the above phrases are not enough.
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Original blog post: https://ling-app.com/ne/nepali-vocabulary-about-transportation/