4 best ways to say thank you in Serbian

Ling Learn Languages
4 min readApr 29, 2020

People in Serbia often joke and say “speak Serbian so the whole world can understand you.” As such, learning a couple of basic phrases in Serbian such as hello, good morning and good afternoon, will be very useful. If you happen to be visiting Serbia, you will notice that people there are very vocal, and they love to talk. You will pick up the basic phrases in no time since you can hear them everywhere.

Knowing how to say thank you in the Serbian language will show native speakers that you are friendly, polite, and kind. Additionally, the locals know that foreigners sometimes struggle with their language, so they will be thrilled to hear you speak Serbian. Let’s start by teaching you how to say ‘thank you’.

How do you say thank you in Serbian?

Saying thank you in Serbian is easy to remember, which is great for beginners. It consists of a single word, and that is:

The first thing you need to understand about thank you in Serbian is that you may say it when communicating with people regardless of their gender. It is universal, and you will be using it a lot. After all, native speakers use this phrase every single day. You may hear it in grocery stores, restaurants, and so on. For instance, if you are buying fresh produce at the market and the salesperson hands you back the change, you could let them know that you are happy with the purchase by saying ‘hvala’.

More ways to say thank you in Serbian

If you happen to be in a situation where you feel like ‘hvala’ is simply not enough, there are some additional Serbian phrases you could use. If a person has gone out of their way to be nice to you, say the following:

Mnogo vam hvala — Много вам хвала

This phrase means ‘Thank you very much’ and is considered somewhat formal. Native speakers often use it when speaking to someone they don’t personally know, but they were kind to them.

Mnogo ti hvala — Много ти хвала

This is a variation of the previously mentioned phrase. However, it is more informal. The phrase has the same meaning. It is used when thanking your friends, family, coworkers, or acquaintances.

Hvala lepo — Хвала лепо

This phrase fits both formal and informal conversations. It conveys extra gratitude. Translating it to English is a bit tricky, but essentially it means ‘Thanks a lot’.

How to reply when someone says thank you in Serbian?

Knowing how to reply to thank you in Serbian is equally important. If you regularly communicate with the native speakers of the Serbian language, you might have already heard these phrases, or you are at least familiar with them. There are a couple of ways to respond to ‘thank you’, so here they are:

Molim — Молим

This is the most common reply, and it is widely used among native speakers. It is both formal and informal. It means ‘You are welcome’.

Nema na čemu — Нема на чему

This phrase is not as common as the previous one, but you might still hear it occasionally. It is slightly more formal. Nevertheless, you may use it when speaking to your friends too. When translated into English, this phrase means ‘Don’t worry about it’.

Why polite words matter

Since polite words in Serbian are not so hard to learn, you should include them in your vocabulary when talking to your coworkers, friends, neighbors, etc. They are a sign of respect and good manners all around the world. ‘Hvala’ fits every situation, so use it when speaking to the people around you. Always remember that you can brighten someone’s day by being well-mannered and polite.

The importance of basic phrases

The majority of Serbian people have at least a basic knowledge of English. They can easily understand you even if you stick to English when talking to them. Remember that the older population is not so well versed in English, so memorizing phrases such as ‘hvala’ can help you out a lot. It is a sign of politeness and respect, which is always a good thing.

If you are eager to learn more Serbian through engaging and easy lessons, check out the Ling App. This application can help you get a hang of the essential Serbian words and phrases.

Originally published at https://ling-app.com on April 29, 2020.



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