300+ Beckoning Basic Arabic Words To Get Started

Ling Learn Languages
6 min readFeb 19, 2023


Original blog post: https://ling-app.com/ar/basic-arabic-words-2/

Have you just started learning Arabic but can’t get the hang of the basics? Many newbies find Arabic too hard and give up on it easily, but what if there’s a way to still level up your skills without pressuring yourself? Yes, that’s possible! To do this, you simply have to focus on the basic Arabic words! Ready to learn what sets you can practice? Read on below!

Basic Arabic Words

Arabic may seem difficult, but there are some aspects about it that make it easy too. If you truly want to learn it, one way you can do this is by starting with the basics first, like the words and expressions. Please string these together to make a phrase or a short sentence. Also, it is important to practice pronouncing everything you are learning so you can confidently use it in real conversations.

General Basic Words

Let’s start with the most basic general words in Arabic and learn about a few categories.




Basic Travel Words

Traveling is an unavoidable thing once you go to an Arab country. This should motivate you to know some basic words about traveling and directions in Arabic.

Basic Words For Accessories

Accessorize your speech as you accessorize yourself with these beautiful accessory-related words. There are many Arabic events on which you might need the help of these words.

Basic Words For Flavors

In the Arab world, you can’t ignore Arabic food no matter how much you want to just like traveling. Learning essential words about the flavors is better in order to your favorite kind of food.

Basic Sentences

Now that you are aware of most words used in Arabic, you should also learn some Arabic sentences that could help you make more sentences using all the words you have just learned.



Fun Fact

It’s hardly surprising that you might go for months not hearing any native Arabic, given that ex-pats outnumber citizens in the United Arab Emirates and makeup to 85% of the employment in Dubai. Even households and people from outside who have been in this country for a long time or period cannot comprehend a discussion in native Arabic.

Especially kids of other cultures and foreigners brought up in the Emirates who don’t speak Arabic. Mostly say they never needed to study Arabic when questioned about it. This is why you should also know about some of the most common slang in the middle east.

Basic Arabic Slang

والله (Wallah)

والله (Wallah) literally means “I swear to God.” It’s one of the most common slang words in Arabic, and Muslims and non-muslims living in Arab tend to use this word a lot. And by a lot, I literally mean A LOT. You would find the Arabs starting every single sentence with this word which could make you dizzy when you talk in Arab.

It doesn’t have a positive or negative connotation, and it’s just a word you can use with every sentence and time of the day. Here are some examples:

  • Wallah, I am tired. — والله تعبت. (wallah taeibtu.)
  • Wallah, my wife is driving me crazy. — والله زوجتي تقودني للجنون. (wallah zawjati taquduni liljununi.)
  • Wallah, the soup is yummy. — والله الحساء لذيذ. (wallah alhisa’ lidhidha.)
  • Wallah this day is horrible. — والله هذا اليوم فظيع. (wallah hadha alyawm fazieu.)
  • Wallah, you would love this. — والله تحب هذا. (wallah tuhibu hadha.)

يلا (Yala)

Arabs love to hang out and go places, and they have their own mini forests and deserts to have a lot of fun. That is why they always ask people to come and have fun. You can also say يلا يا شباب (Yala ya shab’ab) to say, “Hey guys, let’s go.”

يا شباب (Ya Shab’ab)

One prevalent Arabic slang is يا شباب (Ya Shab’ab), meaning Hey guys! You can say يا شباب (Ya Shab’ab) while greeting a group of your friends or while you are in an informal setting. Another excellent word to use is also يا جماعة (Ya Jammaa), meaning the same. You can use these words interchangeably for most of the part.

For example, Ya shabaab, I invite you all to dinner at my house tomorrow. — يا شباب أدعوكم جميعًا إلى العشاء في منزلي غدًا (ya shabab ‘adeukum jmyean ‘iilaa aleasha’ fi manzili ghdan)

خلاص (Khalas)

The word خلاص (Khalas), when used as slang, refers to a favorable situation. Arabic people are obsessed with using this word, which means “stop.” You might wonder if it means stop, then isn’t this a rude word? As a slang word, it is one of the happiest or most positive words that Arabs use. It can also refer to the meaning of “enough,” indicating that one has had enough happiness and there is no need/room for more.

For instance, Khalas, I don’t need food anymore — خلاص ، لم أعد بحاجة للطعام (khalas , lam ‘aeud bihajat liltaeami.)

Wrapping Up

If you are learning Arabic and want to enhance your experience, hear me. Ling App has brought such epic ways to make learning Arabic easy for you. Your language learning has the potential to become more accessible than you realize, and that is precisely why Ling App is here.

Ling App aims to diversify learning strategies to make it easy for you to learn Arabic words. You can expand your vocabulary immensely by learning through its exclusive set of comprehensive lessons that you can take at your own pace. It also comes with authentic materials like video, blog posts, and audio recordings to help master the language faster!

Apart from that, learning Arabic by writing is another way to improve your skills. We recommend using Arabikey, an online source that helps type in Arabic for free. This tool can be very helpful if your goal is to strengthen your writing skill.

If you are trying to figure out where to start, we suggest that you start learning topics like different apps to learn Arabic, Arabic Verbs, and the Arabic Alphabet. Ready to try it out? Download the Ling App from Google Playstore or App Store. Bid adieu to competitive deadlines, books, and classes. Start learning Arabic right away!



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