30+ Basic Romanian Phrases To Get By In Romania: Your #1 Easiest Guide

Ling Learn Languages
4 min readFeb 1, 2023

Original blog post: https://ling-app.com/ro/romanian-phrases/ (with audio🔊)

How do I say Good morning? What if someone asks for my name? How do I order in a restaurant? I hope to get the Romanian phrases right. Aargh! These are the dramatic questions that play games with our minds when traveling to a new country; I totally understand! It can look like there are so many basic phrases to learn to get by in Romania but trust me, it isn’t that hard. All you need to do is know some essential greeting words, how to introduce yourself, and other Romanian words that will make your stay in Romania memorable. So, without further ado, let’s get to the heart of the matter.

Basic Romanian Phrases You Must Know

The Romanian language is beautiful, and the pronunciation is straightforward and understandable. Here are some important Romanian greetings and phrases you should keep close to. These phrases will help you navigate Romania easily and start basic conversations with the locals.


Introductions And Small Talks

Find out ways to introduce yourself and make small conversations in Romania.

Accommodation And Transportation

If you are checking into the hotel and want the necessary information about the rooms or directions, here are some great phrases to keep in mind.


Romania has a lot of big local markets where you can get unique pieces, and a way to get them at affordable prices is to be able to speak some basic Romanian shopping phrases like Cât costă

Restaurant/Dining out

General Question Words

Other general question words that you will find helpful in Romanian are;

Other Useful Romanian Phrases

Let’s round it up with useful Romanian Phrases you may likely want to say.

Which Is The Most Important Phrase To You?

We’ve gone through a lot of useful Romanian phrases and a few words. Which phrase stood out to you? Let me know in the comment section below. I believe you were able to learn one or two phrases that you can easily use in Romanian. You can also check out how to introduce yourself in Romanian, the basic greeting words, and how to show affection to your Romanian significant other.

Suppose you want to speak Romanian and you are looking for the best learning resources that teach you everything from vowel combinations, grammar lessons, speaking skills, pronunciation, and so much more. In that case, you should consider the Ling App.

Keep Learning With The Ling App

Learning Romanian can become easy and fast with the Ling App. The Ling App is a gamified language learning platform that teaches languages using grammar lessons, quizzes, exercises, games, and retention mechanisms. So, you have access to necessary features that will take you from a complete beginner to a fluent speaker in a short period, so long as you dedicate quality time to learning daily. It even comes with daily reminders to make sure you keep learning. This resource also offers comprehensive lessons for Romanian and 60+ languages that you can easily learn.

So, what are you waiting for? Download the Ling App today on Play Store and App Store!



Ling Learn Languages

Ling is a game-like language learning app with a pack of 60+ languages. You will learn languages in fun ways!