20 Love Words And Phrases In Slovak
In this blog post, I will try to teach you ‘love words and phrases in Slovak’ and express other beautiful feelings to the important persons in your life. Also, you will find here useful dating and wedding vocabulary.
About The Slovak Language
Slovak is the official language of just one small country in Central Europe and has a total of around six million speakers. It is an interesting language that is similar to Czech, as they both evolved from the western division of the ancient Proto-Slavic language. Although it’s not necessary to speak Slovak to get by while visiting Bratislava or other cool places in Slovakia, knowing some of these beautiful words could help you to win favor (read heart) with the locals.
How To Say Love Words And Phrases In Slovak
Try to remember these phrases because they can mean the world to someone.
Did you notice that in the Slovak language there are two versions of “I love you” — “Ľúbim ťa” a “Milujem ťa“? They are not the same. Slovaks use “Milujem ťa” only if it’s very serious and you want to express the strongest love.
Cute Names You Can Call Your Significant Other In Slovak
If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend from Slovakia, you should know love words and phrases in Slovak. Also, it can be good for you to learn what cute name you can call her/him. Here are some samples of “lovers” nicknames you use while the two of you are talking sweet.
Dating And Wedding Vocabulary
Try to remember these words and phrases and your date with someone from Slovakia or wedding attending will go fine.
Nice Words In Slovak: When We Use Them?
Krásny (kraz-nee) / Lovely
Krásny is a significant and frequently used word that describes something or someone who is nice, lovely, beautiful, wonderful, or exquisite.
Example: Peter will have a krásny experience when he goes skiing all day with his best friends at a mountain resort in the Tatra mountain range.
–ko or –ka (-koh or -kah) / My dearest
This is a diminutive suffix that you can use as a term of endearment and. Its often attached to the end of a name. It is similar to calling someone “my dear.” Someone with a friend named Ján might call him Jánko. A woman named Katarína might have friends and family who use the –ka ending and call her Katarínka.
Láska (lah-ska) / Love
As we already said, Láska is the Slovak word for love. So, the endearing term moja láska, or “my love,” is also frequently said in Slovakia. This word is used in many song lyrics, from Slovak pop songs to traditional folk choruses.
Milujem ťa (meel-u-yem ta) / Adoration
You can feel love for someone. However, you can also feel a higher level of love, and that feeling we can describe as close to adoration. “Milujem ťa” you can use to describe your romantic love for a long-term boyfriend or girlfriend or a husband or wife.
Miláčik (mill-ak-zik) / Darling
Slovak parents often call their children miláčik. Also, people often call each other miláčik… husband to wife in most cases.
Fun fact: In 2008, a Slovak sitcom called Ano, miláčik (Yes, darling) premiered during mid-week primetime. Sadly, the funny show lasted only one season, but the phrase is still as alive and popular as ever.
Example Dialog
Let’s exercise these love words we learned in the example dialog below!
Martin: Ahoj, zlatko. Si krásna. (Hi, sweetheart. You are beautiful.)
Zuzana: Ahoj, miláčik. Ďakujem. Robíš ma šťastnou. (Hi, darling. You make me happy.)
Martin: Mám ťa veľmi rád. Chceš so mnou chodiť? (I like you very much. Do you want to date me?)
Zuzana: Áno. Som do teba a myslím, že ťa ľúbim! (Yes. I am into you and I think I love you!)
Let‘s Recap I love You Thing
There are two ways to say this in Slovak that have a slight intensity difference in meaning. I am a native Slovak speaker so that I can discern them quite well, but it might be difficult for a foreigner that doesn’t have these distinctions in their language. One that comes to mind that has it is Spanish, with the te quiero/te amo distinction. The Slovak one is pretty much equivalent to this, you could say “Ľúbim ťa” as an equivalent to “te quiero” in Spanish, or a less intense, not so lasting perhaps, feeling, and “Milujem ťa” to signify something like “te amo,” an expression which implies strong, lasting, committed love. Hope that helped.
Final Thoughts
If you stay till the very end of this article, you are probably ready to express your feelings in Slovak. But, if you want to learn essential words and phrases or greetings in Slovak, you should try using language learning apps. Ling App is a good choice if you want to learn the Slovak Language fun and easy way.
Original blog post: https://ling-app.com/sk/love-words-and-phrases-in-slovak/