16+ Easy French Words About Transportation

Ling Learn Languages
5 min readMay 21, 2022


Original blog post: https://ling-app.com/fr/french-words-about-transportation/(with audio🔊)

Do you want to learn easy French words about transportation? A basic vocabulary about transport can be beneficial when going abroad for work or vacation. After all, everyone needs to buy a metro ticket, take a flight, or even a bus when getting by in the country, right? In this case, it is advantageous to know those words in French.

Generally, if you visit France or a French-speaking area, minimally, you have to know how to ask for a ticket to travel by train, metro, or bus to a location or how to take a taxi. Fortunately, most travel agents or airport workers speak more than one language. However, if you need help when in the city, it is better to know some basic words. Learn more about this below!

Basics French Words About Transportation

Planning to travel for the first time to Paris? The first thing to know is how to say the names of the most used places of transportation, such as train stations, bus stations, and airports, and how to tell the means of transport, such as cars, trains, etc.:

  1. L’aéroport — The airport
  2. Le bateau — The boat
  3. La gare — Train station
  4. Le train — Train
  5. Le taxi — Taxi
  6. La station de métro — Metro station
  7. L’avion — Airplane
  8. L’autobus — Bus
  9. L’arrêt de bus — Bus stop
  10. La voiture — Car
  11. Station de bus — Bus station
  12. Faire du covoiturage — Carpooling
  13. Covoiturage — Ride sharing
  14. Le vélo -Bicycle
  15. Un arrêt d’autobus — Bus stop
  16. Moto — Motorcycle or bike

Basics Vocabulary About Buying A Ticket

If you travel, sooner or later, you have to buy a ticket or ask questions about your destination. Here are some basic phrases and words you should know:

  • Un billet — A ticket
  • Siège — Seat
  • Voyage — Trip
  • Un distributeur automatique — Ticket machine
  • Un carnet — Bundle of 10 tickets
  • Un itinĂ©raire — The route
  • Acheter un ticket — To buy a ticket
  • Ă€ l’heure — On-time
  • En retard — Late
  • AnnulĂ© — Cancelled
  • Remboursement- Refund
  • L’horaire — A timetable
  • Le contrĂ´leur — Ticket inspector
  • Arriver — Arrive
  • Partir — To depart or leave
  • Rester — To stay
  • RĂ©server — Make a reservation
  • Annuler une rĂ©servation — Cancel a reservation
  • Vacances — Holidays
  • Voyage d’affaires — Business trip
  • Bagage — Luggage

French Vocabulary To Know If You Travel By Plane

If you know you will travel by flight, then you can learn the most common words that are used in an airport in everyday life. Here are some of the most common words and phrases:

  • Compagnie aĂ©rienne — Airline
  • Aile — Wing
  • Piste — Runway
  • Pilote — Pilot
  • Porte -Gate
  • Passport — Passport
  • Frais d’excĂ©dent de bagages — Excess baggage charge
  • Équipage de cabinet — Cabin crew
  • Agent de bord — Flight attendant
  • Steward/hĂ´tesse de l’air — Air steward/stewardess
  • SĂ©curitĂ© — Security
  • Turbulence — Turbulence
  • Ceinture de sĂ©curitĂ© — seatbelt
  • Monter Ă  bord — To board

It is also convenient to learn some common phrases to use when traveling by flight:

  • Mettre des bagages en soute — To put luggage in the hold
  • Ă€ bord de l’avion — To board the plane
  • PrĂ©parez-vous au dĂ©collage — Prepare for take-off
  • PrĂ©parez-vous Ă  atterrir — Prepare for landing
  • Attacher votre ceinture de sĂ©curitĂ© — To fasten your seatbelt

French Vocabulary To Know If You Travel By Train

If you talk about traveling by train, you can discuss it with a friend using the following words and phrases:

  • Quai — Platform
  • Voie — Track
  • Passage Ă  niveau — Level crossing
  • Locomotive — Locomotive
  • MĂ©tro — Underground
  • Aller-retour — Round-trip
  • Simple billet — Single ticket
  • Première/deuxième classe — First/second class
  • Conducteur de train — Train driver
  • ContrĂ´leur de billets — Ticket inspector
  • Salle d’attente — Waiting room
  • Gardien — Guard
  • Abonnement — Travelcard or season ticket

You should also understand the most common phrases used when traveling by train:

  • Prendre un train — To catch a train
  • VĂ©rifier les horaires — To check the timetable
  • Sur le quai — On the platform
  • Voyager Ă  travers le pays — To travel cross-country
  • Monter dans le train — To get on the train
  • Embarquer — To embark
  • Descendre du train — To get off the train

French Vocabulary To Know If You Travel By Taxi

If your transportation is a taxi, here are some common words and sentences to know to get good car services:

  • Tarif — Fare
  • Station de taxi — Taxi rank
  • Chauffeur de taxi — Taxi driver
  • Pourboire — Tip
  • HĂ©ler un taxi — To hail a taxi
  • Payer le tarif — To pay the fare

French Vocabulary To Know If You Travel By Boat

Although less common, if your transport is a boat, you should add the following words to your vocabulary:

  • Ferry — Ferry
  • Bateau de croisière — cruise ship
  • Port — Harbour
  • Pont — Deck
  • Mer — Sea
  • OcĂ©an — Ocean
  • Cabine — Cabin
  • Capitaine — Captain
  • Voile — Sail
  • Mal de mer — Sea sickness
  • TraversĂ©e — Crossing
  • Ă€ bord — On board
  • Gilet/bouĂ©e de sauvetage — Life belt/jacket
  • Passager-pied — Foot passenger
  • Embarquer or monter sur le bateau — To embark or to get on the boat
  • DĂ©barquer or descendre du bateau — To disembark or to get off the boat
  • Mer “clapoteuse”/mer agitĂ©e/vagues fortes

Do you want to know more French words?

If you want to impress others with your French-speaking abilities, you can learn French adjectives and adverbs.

Learn French With Ling App

Do you want to learn more languages or add more words to your basic vocabulary? Then, you can use Ling App by Simya Solutions. It is a learning app that can help you learn French. With this app, you have the possibility of learning more than 60 languages from a mobile device or desktop.

In addition, if you already know a foreign language and want to improve your level of knowledge, the Ling App is the perfect service to enhance any area where you feel you can get better.

What are you waiting for? Download it from App Store and Play Store for free!



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