13+ Most Common Italian Christmas Greetings

Ling Learn Languages
5 min readDec 5, 2022


Original blog post: https://ling-app.com/it/italian-christmas-greetings/

Would you like to know the most common Italian Christmas greetings? It is an absolute must to know how to wish Merry Christmas in Italian if you want to spend the holiday season in Italy with your local friends or family.

Fortunately, it is effortless to learn Italian Christmas greetings. If you want to sound sophisticated and knowledgeable, you could even learn some additional sentences to use on special occasions or with your closest friends.

Top Italian Christmas Greetings

In Italian, the most common way to say Merry Christmas is “ Buon Natale.”

If you do not know any other expressions, “Buon Natale” is good on every occasion to wish Merry Christmas. However, you can use many variations, which are pretty standard among Italians.

Here are the most common ways to wish Merry Christmas in Italian:

  • Ti auguro (ti auguriamo) Buon Natale — I wish (we wish you) you a Merry Christmas
  • Vi auguro buon Natale e felice anno nuovo — We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year (used to address more than one person)
  • Buone Feste — Happy Holidays
  • Tanti auguri di buone feste — Best wishes for happy holidays
  • Auguri di un Natale sereno — Best wishes for a peaceful Christmas
  • Tantissimi auguri! — Best wishes!
  • Auguro a te e famiglia una felice festa di Natale — I wish you and your family a happy Christmas party
  • Buone Feste alla tua famiglia — Happy Holidays to your family
  • Tanti auguri di cuore a te e famiglia e Buon Natale — Best wishes to you and your family and Merry Christmas
  • Felice Natale — Merry Christmas
  • A te che sei special Buon Natale — To you who are special Merry Christmas
  • Ti auguro un Natale pieno di gioia — Ti auguro un Natale pieno di gioia
  • I miei migliori auguri per un Natale pieno di amore — My best wishes for a Christmas full of love
  • Sereno Natale — Happy Christmas

If you want to know an expression to wish happy holidays, you can use “Buone Feste.” This is an ideal expression since you can simultaneously wish someone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Surprising Italian Christmas Wishes

If you want to learn special Italian Christmas wishes, then here are some sentences you can use on special occasions or in a Christmas card:

  • Con tanto affetto buon Natale! — With much love, Merry Christmas!
  • Che la il Natale scaldi il cuore Auguri! — May Christmas warm the hearts. Best wishes!
  • Ti auguro tanta gioia, perché questo è il Natale! Tanti Auguri! — I wish you a lot of joy because this is Christmas! Happy Christmas!
  • Ti auguro un Natale davvero speciale da passare in armonia con la tua famiglia — I wish you a very special Christmas to spend in harmony with your family
  • Che questo Santo Natale tu possa trascorrerlo in serenità — May you spend this Holy Christmas in serenity
  • Se vedi una slitta nel cielo, se vedi una cometa che ti mostra il cammino, è arrivato il Natale! — If you see a sleigh in the sky, if you see a comet showing you the way, Christmas is here!
  • Spero che la magia del Natale riempia di gioia il vostro cuore la vostra casa — I hope that the magic of Christmas will fill your heart and your home with joy
  • Possa questo Natalize avvicinarvi a coloro che custodisci nel cuore. Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo! — May this Christmas draw you closer to those you keep in your heart. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  • Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo! Che possiate circondarvi di tutte le cose che portano felicità — Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May you surround yourself with all things that bring happiness
  • Ti mando una scatola di pace e gioia, avvolta dal mio affetto, sigillata con il sorriso e inviata con un bacio. Buon Natale! — I am sending you a box of peace and joy, wrapped in my affection, sealed with a smile, and sent with a kiss. Happy Christmas!

Most Common Words Related To The Christmas Eve And Period

You can improve your Italian Christmas vocabulary by learning related words often used during Christmas day or the holiday season. This also includes vocabulary related to wishing a happy new year in Italian.

Here are the most common words used during the Christmas holidays:

  • Buone feste di fine anno — Happy holiday season
  • Feste di Capodanno — New Year’s Eve festivities
  • Vacanze di Natale — Christmas holidays
  • Cartoline natalizie — Christmas Cards
  • Periodo natalizio — Christmas season
  • Babbo Natale — Santa Claus
  • Buon anno — Happy New Year
  • Giorno di Natale — Christmas Day
  • La Vigilia di natale — Christmas Eve
  • Albero di Natale — Christmas tree
  • Regalo — Present
  • Presepe — Christmas nativity scene
  • Cena di Natale — Christmas dinner
  • Festeggiare — To celebrate
  • Pupazzo di neve — Snowman
  • La renna — Reindeer
  • Slitta — Sleigh
  • Mercatini di Natale- Christmas markets

Would you like to know more about the Italian language?

Ready To Learn More Italian?

Now that you know how to wish Merry Christmas in Italian, you are on the way to becoming fluent in Italian. However, if you want to increase your Italian vocabulary, you can use the Ling App!

You can check out our posts on Funny Italian Phrases and Happy Birthday In Italian to add even more words to your vocabulary.

You can learn Italian grammar, verbs, expressions, and proper pronunciation with the Ling App. In addition, you can use the app on the go, with the mobile version available for all portable devices.

  • What are you waiting for? Download the language learning app from the App Store or Google Play for free today!



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