10+ Best Shopping Vocabulary In Albanian
Original blog post: https://ling-app.com/sq/shopping-vocabulary-in-albanian/ (with audio🔊)
One of the things we look forward to when visiting a new country is to explore their popular markets and shopping malls for unique and affordable pieces! In fact, Albania is home to a lot of unique souvenirs that you cannot find anywhere in the world. Some of them are Qilim, a traditional rug in Albania, ashtrays, and Çifteli, Albania’s local instrument. The list is inexhaustible!
That is why it is essential that you go to the Albanian markets with the right Shopping Vocabulary in Albanian. Speaking the Albanian language will help you navigate the market faster, get great deals and even get the best quality. So, to ensure that you get the best out of your shopping spree in Albania, we’ve come up with the basic, most common shopping vocabulary you will need in Albanian. Let’s start!
Important Shopping Phrases In Albanian
While it is important to know some Albanian restaurant phrases, flavors, and how to give directions in Albanian as a visitor, it is also necessary to equip yourself with shopping phrases.
Every market always has a lingua franca that both buyer and seller understand, and it is necessary to get the best deals. Knowing these important shopping phrases will help you complete your transactions smoothly and get fair deals when heading to any Albanian market. So, what are these almighty Albanian phrases?
How Much Is This — Sa kushton
Sa kushton is arguably the most used phrase for buyers and visitors. There are a lot of captivating materials you will see in an Albanian market that will catch your attention. The only way to determine whether it is Shtrenjtë or lire is to ask how much it will cost. So, when you are going to any Albanian market, make sure you take your Sa Kushton along
This Is Too Expensive — Kushton Shume
We all encounter marketers that want to take advantage of us because we are foreigners. Well, you can’t blame them. It happens in most countries. Whenever you realize that the price of a thing is outrageous or you don’t have enough money to pay, you can say Kushton shume. The seller may decide to reduce the item’s price or convince you to buy at that price.
Do You Accept Credit Card — A Pranoni Kredit Karta
Always ask if sellers accept credit cards before ‘buying’ any product or services, especially if you don’t have any cash. Some shops in Albania do not frequently accept credit cards, so it is only safe to ask before any purchase. And if you are going to any of the local markets in Albania, I will advise you to have some cash with you.
I Will Buy It — Unë Do Ta Blej Atë
Let’s say you love an item, you’ve enquired about the price, and you are satisfied, the next thing to do is to buy it, and you have to let the seller know your interests by saying Unë do ta blej atë. The seller will automatically understand and may ask ku janë paratë, which means where the money is.
I don’t want — Nuk Dua
Sellers will often try to upsell you other unique products alongside the ones you’ve brought. Depending on your preferences, you can decide to buy them or reject the offer. If the latter is your choice, then saying Nuk dua means I don’t want and the seller will stop trying to upsell. If they persist, throw around Nuk dua a few more times, and you are good to go.
Know Your Albanian Numbers
It is important to know the Albanian Numbers so that you can answer correctly when the seller asks sa dëshiron, which translates to how many you want. When dealing with countable products, it is necessary to specify the number of items you want to buy.
Other Shopping Vocabulary That Comes In Handy
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s move forward to explore other shopping vocabulary in the Albanian language that you will find useful.
Unique Products To Buy In Albania
We cannot end this article without telling you some of Albania’s finest unique pieces. Albania is a rich country with diverse cultures and beautiful handicrafts. You will always see beautiful products around Albania.
Çifteli is a local guitar-like instrument used in Albania for songs and other festivities. They are unique, and some are hand-made. Fortunately, they come in different sizes, so you can purchase a small one for an ornamental decoration in your home.
Handmade Pieces
You will find unique handmade pieces throughout Albania, ranging from knitwear to dishes and so much more. The beautiful thing about these pieces is that they are of good quality and have unique decorations.
Bunker Ashtray
Albania is home to countless bunkers, and although you cannot purchase any, there are ashtrays shaped in the form of a bunker that you will love.
You Are Good To Go!
Now that you’ve fully equipped yourself with the necessary Albanian shopping vocabulary, you are set to go shopping! Remember to look out for affordable products and keep your numbers in mind.
Learn Albanian With Ling
Ling App is a language learning platform that comes fully equipped with intuitive features aimed at turning a beginner into a fluent speaker, so long you dedicate 10 to 15 minutes to learning every day.
It comes with grammar lessons that start from basic words to full sentences, lesson archives where you can check your previous lesson and brush up on it, gamified experience, quizzes, and so much more! And if you are not feeling so motivated, Ling sends daily reminders to ensure you achieve your learning goals. The Ling App has successfully turned other users into fluent speakers in their target language, and you won’t be an exception.
So, what are you waiting for? Download the Ling App on Play Store and App Store today!